Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > internetx:php7:current70:extensions > libmemcached
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memcached C library and command line tools

libmemcached is a C client library to the memcached server
(http://danga.com/memcached). It has been designed to be light on memory
usage, and provide full access to server side methods.

It also implements several command line tools:

memcat - Copy the value of a key to standard output.
memflush - Flush the contents of your servers.
memrm - Remove a key(s) from the serrver.
memstat - Dump the stats of your servers to standard output.
memslap - Generate testing loads on a memcached cluster.
memcp - Copy files to memcached servers.

Source Files

Filename Size Changed Actions
_aggregate 141 Bytes over 6 years ago Download File

Latest Revision

hostmaster hostmaster committed over 6 years ago (revision 1)

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