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File util.c of Package nprobe (Revision 33)
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/* * nProbe - a Netflow v5/v9/IPFIX probe for IPv4/v6 * * Copyright (C) 2002-10 Luca Deri <> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "nprobe.h" #ifdef sun extern char *strtok_r(char *, const char *, char **); #endif #ifdef WIN32 #define strtok_r(a, b, c) strtok(a, b) #endif #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE extern void sqlite_exec_sql(char* sql); #endif /* ********************** */ static char *port_mapping[0xFFFF] = { NULL }; static char *proto_mapping[0xFF] = { NULL }; static u_int32_t localNetworks[MAX_NUM_NETWORKS][CONST_NETWORK_SIZE]; static u_int32_t blacklistNetworks[MAX_NUM_NETWORKS][CONST_NETWORK_SIZE]; /* ********************** */ #define CUSTOM_FIELD_LEN 16 /* ************************************ */ void traceEvent(const int eventTraceLevel, const char* file, const int line, const char * format, ...) { va_list va_ap; if(eventTraceLevel <= readOnlyGlobals.traceLevel) { char buf[2048], out_buf[640]; char theDate[32], *extra_msg = ""; time_t theTime = time(NULL); va_start (va_ap, format); /* We have two paths - one if we're logging, one if we aren't * Note that the no-log case is those systems which don't support it (WIN32), * those without the headers !defined(USE_SYSLOG) * those where it's parametrically off... */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strftime(theDate, 32, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&theTime)); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, format, va_ap); if(eventTraceLevel == 0 /* TRACE_ERROR */) extra_msg = "ERROR: "; else if(eventTraceLevel == 1 /* TRACE_WARNING */) extra_msg = "WARNING: "; while(buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; snprintf(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf), "%s [%s:%d] %s%s", theDate, #ifdef WIN32 strrchr(file, '\\')+1, #else file, #endif line, extra_msg, buf); #ifndef WIN32 if(readOnlyGlobals.useSyslog) { if(!readWriteGlobals->syslog_opened) { openlog(readOnlyGlobals.nprobeId, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); readWriteGlobals->syslog_opened = 1; } syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", out_buf); } else printf("%s\n", out_buf); #else printf("%s\n", out_buf); #endif } fflush(stdout); va_end(va_ap); } /* ************************************ */ #ifdef WIN32 unsigned long waitForNextEvent(unsigned long ulDelay /* ms */) { unsigned long ulSlice = 1000L; /* 1 Second */ while(ulDelay > 0L) { if(ulDelay < ulSlice) ulSlice = ulDelay; Sleep(ulSlice); ulDelay -= ulSlice; } return ulDelay; } /* ******************************* */ void initWinsock32() { WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0); err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if( err != 0 ) { /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "FATAL ERROR: unable to initialise Winsock 2.x."); exit(-1); } } /* ******************************** */ short isWinNT() { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwWindowsMajorVersion; dwVersion=GetVersion(); dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); if(!(dwVersion >= 0x80000000 && dwWindowsMajorVersion >= 4)) return 1; else return 0; } /* ****************************************************** */ /* int snprintf(char *string, size_t maxlen, const char *format, ...) { int ret=0; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsprintf(string,format,args); va_end(args); return ret; } */ #endif /* Win32 */ /* ******************************************************************* */ u_int8_t ip2mask(IpAddress ip) { if((readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks == 0) || (ip.ipVersion != 4)) return(0); else { int i; u_int32_t addr = htonl(ip.ipType.ipv4); for(i=0; i<readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks; i++) { if((addr & localNetworks[i][CONST_NETMASK_ENTRY]) == localNetworks[i][CONST_NETWORK_ENTRY]) { // traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "--> %d", localNetworks[i][CONST_NETMASK_V6_ENTRY]); return(localNetworks[i][CONST_NETMASK_V6_ENTRY]); } } } return(0); /* Unknown */ } /* ******************************************************************* */ static ip_to_AS _ip_to_AS; static fillASinfo _fillASinfo; void initAS() { _ip_to_AS = NULL; _fillASinfo = NULL; } void setIp2AS(ip_to_AS ptr) { _ip_to_AS = ptr; } void setFillASInfo(fillASinfo ptr) { _fillASinfo = ptr; } void fillASInfo(FlowHashBucket *bkt) { if(/* (!readWriteGlobals->shutdownInProgress) && */ _fillASinfo) _fillASinfo(bkt); } /* ******************************************************************* */ static u_int32_t _ip2AS(IpAddress ip) { if((!readWriteGlobals->shutdownInProgress) && (_ip_to_AS != NULL)) { return(_ip_to_AS(ip)); } #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP if((readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_asn_db == NULL) #ifdef WIN32 || (ip.ipVersion == 6) #endif ) return(0); else { char *rsp = NULL; u_int32_t as; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&readWriteGlobals->geoipRwLock); if(ip.ipVersion == 4) rsp = GeoIP_name_by_ipnum(readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_asn_db, ip.ipType.ipv4); else { #ifdef INET6 #ifndef WIN32 rsp = GeoIP_name_by_ipnum_v6(readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_asn_db, ip.ipType.ipv6); #endif #endif } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&readWriteGlobals->geoipRwLock); as = rsp ? atoi(&rsp[2]) : 0; free(rsp); /* traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "--> %s (%d)", rsp, as); */ return(as); } #else return(0); #endif } /* ************************************* */ u_int32_t _getAS(HostHashBucket *bkt) { u_int32_t ret; if(bkt->aspath && (bkt->aspath_len > 0)) { /* The last element is the host AS, the first one is our AS */ ret = bkt->aspath[bkt->aspath_len-1]; } else ret = _ip2AS(bkt->host); /* traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "--> %u", ret); */ return(ret); } /* ************************************ */ u_int32_t getAS(FlowHashBucket *bkt, u_int8_t src_host) { if(src_host) return((bkt->src_as != 0) ? bkt->src_as : _getAS(bkt->src)); else return((bkt->dst_as != 0) ? bkt->dst_as : _getAS(bkt->dst)); } /* ************************************ */ void readASs(char *path) { #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP if(path == NULL) return; else { if((readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_asn_db = GeoIP_open(path, GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE)) != NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "GeoIP: loaded AS config file %s", path); } else traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to load AS file %s. AS support disabled", path); } #endif } /* ************************************ */ void readCities(char *path) { #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP if(path == NULL) return; else { if((readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_city_db = GeoIP_open(path, GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE)) != NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "GeoIP: loaded cities config file %s", path); } else traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to load cities file %s. IP geolocation disabled", path); } #endif } /* ********* NetFlow v9/IPFIX ***************************** */ /* Cisco Systems NetFlow Services Export Version 9 See for IN/OUT directions */ V9V10TemplateElementId ver9_templates[] = { { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 1, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "IN_BYTES", "Incoming flow bytes (src->dst)" }, { OPTION_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 1, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SYSTEM_ID", "" }, /* Hack for options template */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 2, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "IN_PKTS", "Incoming flow packets (src->dst)" }, { OPTION_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 2, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "INTERFACE_ID", "" }, /* Hack for options template */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 3, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "FLOWS", "Number of flows" }, { OPTION_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 3, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "LINE_CARD", "" }, /* Hack for options template */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 4, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "PROTOCOL", "IP protocol byte" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 0xA0+4, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, CUSTOM_FIELD_LEN, numeric_format, dump_as_ip_proto, "PROTOCOL_MAP", "IP protocol name" }, { OPTION_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 4, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "NETFLOW_CACHE", "" }, /* Hack for options template */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 5, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SRC_TOS", "Type of service byte" }, { OPTION_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 5, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "TEMPLATE_ID", "" }, /* Hack for options template */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 6, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "TCP_FLAGS", "Cumulative of all flow TCP flags" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 7, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "L4_SRC_PORT", "IPv4 source port" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 0xA0+7, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, CUSTOM_FIELD_LEN, numeric_format, dump_as_ip_port, "L4_SRC_PORT_MAP", "IPv4 source port symbolic name" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 8, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv4_address, "IPV4_SRC_ADDR", "IPv4 source address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 9, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv6_address, "SRC_MASK", "Source subnet mask (/<bits>)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 10, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "INPUT_SNMP", "Input interface SNMP idx" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 11, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "L4_DST_PORT", "IPv4 destination port" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 0xA0+11, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, CUSTOM_FIELD_LEN, numeric_format, dump_as_ip_port, "L4_DST_PORT_MAP", "IPv4 destination port symbolic name" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 12, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv4_address, "IPV4_DST_ADDR", "IPv4 destination address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 13, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "DST_MASK", "Dest subnet mask (/<bits>)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 14, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "OUTPUT_SNMP", "Output interface SNMP idx" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 15, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv4_address, "IPV4_NEXT_HOP", "IPv4 next hop address" }, /* In earlier versions AS were 16 bit in 'modern' NetFlow v9 and later, they are 32 bit */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 16, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SRC_AS", "Source BGP AS" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 17, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "DST_AS", "Destination BGP AS" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 18, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP", "" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 19, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MUL_DST_PKTS", "" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 20, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MUL_DST_BYTES", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 21, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "LAST_SWITCHED", "SysUptime (msec) of the last flow pkt" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 22, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "FIRST_SWITCHED", "SysUptime (msec) of the first flow pkt" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 23, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "OUT_BYTES", "Outgoing flow bytes (dst->src)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 24, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "OUT_PKTS", "Outgoing flow packets (dst->src)" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 25, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 26, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 27, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ipv6_address_format, dump_as_ipv6_address, "IPV6_SRC_ADDR", "IPv6 source address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 28, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ipv6_address_format, dump_as_ipv6_address, "IPV6_DST_ADDR", "IPv6 destination address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 29, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "IPV6_SRC_MASK", "IPv6 source mask" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 30, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "IPV6_DST_MASK", "IPv6 destination mask" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 31, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "IPV6_FLOW_LABEL", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 32, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "ICMP_TYPE", "ICMP Type * 256 + ICMP code" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 33, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MUL_IGMP_TYPE", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 34, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SAMPLING_INTERVAL", "Sampling rate" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 35, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SAMPLING_ALGORITHM", "Sampling type (deterministic/random)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 36, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "FLOW_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT", "Activity timeout of flow cache entries" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 37, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "FLOW_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT", "Inactivity timeout of flow cache entries" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 38, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "ENGINE_TYPE", "Flow switching engine" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 39, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "ENGINE_ID", "Id of the flow switching engine" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 40, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "TOTAL_BYTES_EXP", "Total bytes exported" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 41, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "TOTAL_PKTS_EXP", "Total flow packets exported" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 42, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_formatted_uint, "TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP", "Total number of exported flows" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 43, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 44, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 45, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 46, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, i*/ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 47, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 48, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 49, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 50, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 51, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 52, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 53, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 54, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 55, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 56, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 6, hex_format, dump_as_mac_address, "IN_SRC_MAC", "Source MAC Address" }, /* new */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 57, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 6, hex_format, dump_as_mac_address, "OUT_DST_MAC", "Destination MAC Address" }, /* new */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 58, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SRC_VLAN", "Source VLAN" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 59, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "DST_VLAN", "Destination VLAN" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 60, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION", "[4=IPv4][6=IPv6]" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 61, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "DIRECTION", "[0=ingress][1=egress] flow" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 62, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "IPV6_NEXT_HOP", "IPv4 next hop address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 63, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ipv6_address_format, dump_as_uint, "BPG_IPV6_NEXT_HOP", "" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 64, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ipv6_address_format, dump_as_uint, "IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 65, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 66, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 67, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 68, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 69, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RESERVED", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 70, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_1", "MPLS label at position 1" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 71, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_2", "MPLS label at position 2" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 72, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_3", "MPLS label at position 3" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 73, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_4", "MPLS label at position 4" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 74, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_5", "MPLS label at position 5" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 75, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_6", "MPLS label at position 6" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 76, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_7", "MPLS label at position 7" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 77, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_8", "MPLS label at position 8" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 78, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_9", "MPLS label at position 9" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 79, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 3, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "MPLS_LABEL_10", "MPLS label at position 10" }, /* ntop Extensions IMPORTANT if you change/add constants here/below make sure you change them into ntop too. */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+80, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "FRAGMENTS", "Number of fragmented flow packets" }, /* 81 is available */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+82, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "CLIENT_NW_DELAY_SEC", "Network latency client <-> nprobe (sec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+83, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "CLIENT_NW_DELAY_USEC", "Network latency client <-> nprobe (usec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+84, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SERVER_NW_DELAY_SEC", "Network latency nprobe <-> server (sec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+85, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SERVER_NW_DELAY_USEC", "Network latency nprobe <-> server (usec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+86, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "APPL_LATENCY_SEC", "Application latency (sec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+87, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "APPL_LATENCY_USEC", "Application latency (usec)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+IN_PAYLOAD_ID, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0 /* The length is set at runtime */, ascii_format, dump_as_hex, "IN_PAYLOAD", "Initial payload bytes" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+OUT_PAYLOAD_ID, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0 /* The length is set at runtime */, ascii_format, dump_as_ascii, "OUT_PAYLOAD", "Initial payload bytes" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+98, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "ICMP_FLAGS", "Cumulative of all flow ICMP types" }, /* 99+100 are available */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+101, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, ascii_format, dump_as_ascii, "SRC_IP_COUNTRY", "Country where the src IP is located" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+102, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ascii_format, dump_as_ascii, "SRC_IP_CITY", "City where the src IP is located" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+103, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, ascii_format, dump_as_ascii, "DST_IP_COUNTRY", "Country where the dst IP is located" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+104, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 16, ascii_format, dump_as_ascii, "DST_IP_CITY", "City where the dst IP is located" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+105, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "FLOW_PROTO_PORT", "L7 port that identifies the flow protocol or 0 if unknown" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+106, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "TUNNEL_ID", "Tunnel identifier (e.g. GTP tunnel Id) or 0 if unknown" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+107, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "LONGEST_FLOW_PKT", "Longest packet of the flow" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+108, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "SHORTEST_FLOW_PKT", "Shortest packet of the flow" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+109, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS", "Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (src->dst)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+110, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS", "Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (dst->src)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+111, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "OOORDER_IN_PKTS", "Number of out of order TCP flow packets (dst->src)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+112, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "OOORDER_OUT_PKTS", "Number of out of order TCP flow packets (dst->src)" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+113, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "UNTUNNELED_PROTOCOL", "Untunneled IP protocol byte" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+114, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv4_address, "UNTUNNELED_IPV4_SRC_ADDR", "Untunneled IPv4 source address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+115, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "UNTUNNELED_L4_SRC_PORT", "Untunneled IPv4 source port" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+116, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 4, numeric_format, dump_as_ipv4_address, "UNTUNNELED_IPV4_DST_ADDR", "Untunneled IPv4 source address" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+117, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "UNTUNNELED_L4_DST_PORT", "Untunneled IPv4 source port" }, /* { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+0, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 1, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "PAD1", "" }, { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, NTOP_BASE_ID+0, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 2, numeric_format, dump_as_uint, "PAD2", "" }, */ { FLOW_TEMPLATE, SHORT_SNAPLEN,STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID, 0, STATIC_FIELD_LEN, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; /* ******************************************** */ void printTemplateInfo(V9V10TemplateElementId *templates, u_char show_private_elements) { int j = 0; while(templates[j].templateElementName != NULL) { if(((!show_private_elements) && ((templates[j].templateElementLen > 0) || (templates[j].templateElementId == IN_PAYLOAD_ID) || (templates[j].templateElementId == OUT_PAYLOAD_ID))) || (show_private_elements && (templates[j].templateElementId >= 0xFF))) { if(templates[j].templateElementEnterpriseId == NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID) { printf("[NFv9 %3d][IPFIX %5d.%d] %%%-22s\t%s\n", templates[j].templateElementId, templates[j].templateElementEnterpriseId, templates[j].templateElementId-NTOP_BASE_ID, templates[j].templateElementName, templates[j].templateElementDescr); } else { printf("[%3d] %%%-22s\t%s\n", templates[j].templateElementId, templates[j].templateElementName, templates[j].templateElementDescr); } } j++; } } /* ******************************************** */ void setPayloadLength(int len) { int i = 0; while(ver9_templates[i].templateElementName != NULL) { if((ver9_templates[i].templateElementId == IN_PAYLOAD_ID) || (ver9_templates[i].templateElementId == OUT_PAYLOAD_ID)) { ver9_templates[i].templateElementLen = len; if(0) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "--> Setting payload length for element %s", ver9_templates[i].templateElementName); } i++; } } /* ******************************************** */ void copyInt8(u_int8_t t8, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { if((*outBufferBegin)+sizeof(t8) < (*outBufferMax)) { memcpy(&outBuffer[(*outBufferBegin)], &t8, sizeof(t8)); (*outBufferBegin) += sizeof(t8); } } /* ******************************************** */ void copyInt16(u_int16_t _t16, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { u_int16_t t16 = htons(_t16); if((*outBufferBegin)+sizeof(t16) < (*outBufferMax)) { memcpy(&outBuffer[(*outBufferBegin)], &t16, sizeof(t16)); (*outBufferBegin) += sizeof(t16); } } /* ******************************************** */ void copyInt32(u_int32_t _t32, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { u_int32_t t32 = htonl(_t32); if((*outBufferBegin)+sizeof(t32) < (*outBufferMax)) { #ifdef DEBUG char buf1[32]; printf("(8) %s\n", _intoaV4(_t32, buf1, sizeof(buf1))); #endif memcpy(&outBuffer[(*outBufferBegin)], &t32, sizeof(t32)); (*outBufferBegin) += sizeof(t32); } } /* ******************************************** */ void copyLen(u_char *str, int strLen, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { if((*outBufferBegin)+strLen < (*outBufferMax)) { memcpy(&outBuffer[(*outBufferBegin)], str, strLen); (*outBufferBegin) += strLen; } } /* ******************************************** */ static void copyIpV6(struct in6_addr ipv6, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { copyLen((u_char*)&ipv6, sizeof(ipv6), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } /* ******************************************** */ static void copyMac(u_char *macAddress, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { copyLen(macAddress, 6 /* lenght of mac address */, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } /* ******************************************** */ static void copyMplsLabel(struct mpls_labels *mplsInfo, int labelId, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { if(mplsInfo == NULL) { int i; for(i=0; (i < 3) && (*outBufferBegin < *outBufferMax); i++) { outBuffer[*outBufferBegin] = 0; (*outBufferBegin)++; } } else { if(((*outBufferBegin)+MPLS_LABEL_LEN) < (*outBufferMax)) { memcpy(outBuffer, mplsInfo->mplsLabels[labelId-1], MPLS_LABEL_LEN); (*outBufferBegin) += MPLS_LABEL_LEN; } } } /* ****************************************************** */ static void exportPayload(FlowHashBucket *myBucket, int direction, V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplate, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax) { if(readOnlyGlobals.maxPayloadLen > 0) { u_char thePayload[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN]; int len; if(direction == 0) len = myBucket->src2dstPayloadLen; else len = myBucket->dst2srcPayloadLen; /* u_int16_t t16; t16 = theTemplate->templateId; copyInt16(t16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); t16 = maxPayloadLen; copyInt16(t16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); */ memset(thePayload, 0, readOnlyGlobals.maxPayloadLen); if(len > readOnlyGlobals.maxPayloadLen) len = readOnlyGlobals.maxPayloadLen; memcpy(thePayload, direction == 0 ? myBucket->src2dstPayload : myBucket->dst2srcPayload, len); copyLen(thePayload, readOnlyGlobals.maxPayloadLen, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } } /* ******************************************** */ u_int16_t ifIdx(FlowHashBucket *myBucket, int direction, int inputIf) { u_char *mac; u_int16_t idx; if(readOnlyGlobals.use_vlanId_as_ifId) { return(myBucket->vlanId); } else if(readOnlyGlobals.setLocalTrafficDirection) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inputIf ? htonl(myBucket->src->host.ipType.ipv4) : htonl(myBucket->dst->host.ipType.ipv4); if(isLocalAddress(&addr)) return(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex); else return(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex); } if(readWriteGlobals->num_src_mac_export > 0) { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i<readWriteGlobals->num_src_mac_export; i++) if((((inputIf == 1) && (direction == 0)) || ((inputIf == 0) && (direction == 1))) && (memcmp(myBucket->srcMacAddress, readOnlyGlobals.mac_if_match[i].mac_address, 6) == 0)) return(readOnlyGlobals.mac_if_match[i].interface_id); else if((((inputIf == 0) && (direction == 0)) || ((inputIf == 1) && (direction == 1))) && (memcmp(myBucket->dstMacAddress, readOnlyGlobals.mac_if_match[i].mac_address, 6) == 0)) return(readOnlyGlobals.mac_if_match[i].interface_id); } #if 1 if(inputIf) { if(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex != NO_INTERFACE_INDEX) return(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex); } else { if(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex != NO_INTERFACE_INDEX) return(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex); } #else /* non-mirror mode */ if(direction == 0 /* src -> dst */) { /* Source */ if(inputIf) { if(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex != NO_INTERFACE_INDEX) return(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex); } else { if(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex != NO_INTERFACE_INDEX) return(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex); } /* else dynamic */ } else { /* Destination */ if(inputIf) { if(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex != (u_int16_t)-1) return(readOnlyGlobals.outputInterfaceIndex); } else { if(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex != (u_int16_t)-1) return(readOnlyGlobals.inputInterfaceIndex); } } #endif /* ...else dynamic */ /* Calculate the input/output interface using the last two MAC address bytes */ if(direction == 0 /* src -> dst */) { if(inputIf) mac = &(myBucket->srcMacAddress[4]); else mac = &(myBucket->dstMacAddress[4]); } else { if(inputIf) mac = &(myBucket->dstMacAddress[4]); else mac = &(myBucket->srcMacAddress[4]); } idx = (mac[0] * 256) + mac[1]; return(idx); } /* ******************************************** */ static char* port2name(u_int16_t port, u_int8_t proto) { #if 0 struct servent *svt; if((svt = getservbyport(htons(port), proto2name(proto))) != NULL) return(svt->s_name); else { static char the_port[8]; snprintf(the_port, sizeof(the_port), "%d", port); return(the_port); } #else if(port_mapping[port] != NULL) return(port_mapping[port]); else if(proto == 6) return("tcp_other"); else if(proto == 17) return("udp_other"); else return("<unknown>"); /* Not reached */ #endif } /* **************************************************************** */ void reset_bitmask(bitmask_selector *selector) { memset((char*)selector->bits_memory, 0, selector->num_bits/8); } /* **************************************************************** */ int alloc_bitmask(u_int32_t tot_bits, bitmask_selector *selector) { uint tot_mem = 1 + (tot_bits >> 3); /* /= 8 */ if((selector->bits_memory = malloc(tot_mem)) != NULL) { } else { selector->num_bits = 0; return(-1); } selector->num_bits = tot_bits; reset_bitmask(selector); return(0); } /* ********************************** */ void free_bitmask(bitmask_selector *selector) { if(selector->bits_memory > 0) { free(selector->bits_memory); selector->bits_memory = 0; } } /* ******************************************** */ void bitmask_set(u_int32_t n, bitmask_selector* p) { (((char*)p->bits_memory)[n >> 3] |= (1 << (n & 7))); } void bitmask_clr(u_int32_t n, bitmask_selector* p) { (((char*)p->bits_memory)[n >> 3] &= ~(1 << (n & 7))); } u_int8_t bitmask_isset(u_int32_t n, bitmask_selector* p) { return(((char*)p->bits_memory)[n >> 3] & (1 << (n & 7))); } /* ******************************************** */ void loadApplProtocols(void) { struct servent *s; alloc_bitmask(65536, &readOnlyGlobals.udpProto); alloc_bitmask(65536, &readOnlyGlobals.tcpProto); #ifndef WIN32 setservent(1); #endif while((s = getservent()) != NULL) { s->s_port = ntohs(s->s_port); // traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "==> loadApplProtocols(%u/%s)", s->s_port, s->s_proto); if(s->s_proto[0] == 'u') bitmask_set(s->s_port, &readOnlyGlobals.udpProto); else bitmask_set(s->s_port, &readOnlyGlobals.tcpProto); } endservent(); } /* ******************************************** */ u_int16_t port2ApplProtocol(u_int8_t proto, u_int16_t port) { u_int16_t value; if(proto == IPPROTO_TCP) value = bitmask_isset(port, &readOnlyGlobals.tcpProto); else if(proto == IPPROTO_UDP) value = bitmask_isset(port, &readOnlyGlobals.udpProto); else value = 0; return(value ? port : 0); } /* ******************************************** */ u_int16_t getFlowApplProtocol(FlowHashBucket *theFlow) { u_int16_t value; u_int16_t proto_sport = port2ApplProtocol(theFlow->proto, theFlow->sport); u_int16_t proto_dport = port2ApplProtocol(theFlow->proto, theFlow->dport); if((theFlow->proto == IPPROTO_TCP) || (theFlow->proto == IPPROTO_UDP)) { if(proto_sport == 0) value = proto_dport; else if(proto_dport == 0) value = proto_sport; else { if(theFlow->sport < theFlow->dport) value = proto_sport; else value = proto_dport; } } else value = 0; // traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "[%u/%u] -> %u", theFlow->sport, theFlow->dport, value); return(value); } /* ******************************************** */ static void handleTemplate(V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplateElement, u_int8_t ipv4_template, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax, char buildTemplate, int *numElements, FlowHashBucket *theFlow, int direction, int addTypeLen, int optionTemplate) { #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP GeoIPRecord *geo; #endif u_char null_data[128] = { 0 }; u_int16_t t16; if(buildTemplate || addTypeLen) { /* Type */ t16 = theTemplateElement->templateElementId; if((readOnlyGlobals.netFlowVersion == 10) && (theTemplateElement->templateElementEnterpriseId != STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID)) { if(theTemplateElement->templateElementEnterpriseId == NTOP_ENTERPRISE_ID) t16 -= NTOP_BASE_ID; /* Just to make sure we don't mess-up the template */ t16 = t16 | 0x8000; /* Enable the PEN bit */ } copyInt16(t16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); /* Len */ if((readOnlyGlobals.netFlowVersion == 10) && (theTemplateElement->variableFieldLength == VARIABLE_FIELD_LEN)) { t16 = 65535; /* Reserved len as specified in rfc5101 */ } else t16 = theTemplateElement->templateElementLen; copyInt16(t16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); if((readOnlyGlobals.netFlowVersion == 10) && (theTemplateElement->templateElementEnterpriseId != STANDARD_ENTERPRISE_ID)) { /* PEN */ copyInt32(theTemplateElement->templateElementEnterpriseId, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } } if(!buildTemplate) { if(theTemplateElement->templateElementLen == 0) ; /* Nothing to do: all fields have zero length */ else { u_char custom_field[CUSTOM_FIELD_LEN]; #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[%d][%s][%d]", theTemplateElement->templateElementId, theTemplateElement->templateElementName, theTemplateElement->templateElementLen); #endif if(theTemplateElement->isOptionTemplate) { copyLen(null_data, theTemplateElement->templateElementLen, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } else { /* * IMPORTANT * * Any change below need to be ported also in printRecordWithTemplate() * */ switch(theTemplateElement->templateElementId) { case 1: copyInt32(direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.bytesRcvd : theFlow->flowCounters.bytesSent, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 2: copyInt32(direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.pktRcvd : theFlow->flowCounters.pktSent, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 4: copyInt8((u_int8_t)theFlow->proto, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 5: copyInt8(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstTos : theFlow->dst2srcTos, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 6: copyInt8(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstTcpFlags : theFlow->dst2srcTcpFlags, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 7: copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow->sport : theFlow->dport, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 8: if((theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 4)) copyInt32(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src->host.ipType.ipv4 : theFlow->dst->host.ipType.ipv4, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 9: /* SRC_MASK */ copyInt8(ip2mask((direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->host: theFlow->dst->host), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 10: /* INPUT_SNMP */ copyInt16(theFlow->if_input, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 11: copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dport : theFlow->sport, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 12: if((theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 4)) copyInt32(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dst->host.ipType.ipv4 : theFlow->src->host.ipType.ipv4, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 13: /* DST_MASK */ copyInt8(ip2mask((direction == 1) ? theFlow->src->host: theFlow->dst->host), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 14: /* OUTPUT_SNMP */ copyInt16(theFlow->if_output, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 15: /* IPV4_NEXT_HOP */ copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 16: copyInt32(direction == 0 ? getAS(theFlow, 1) : getAS(theFlow, 0), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 17: copyInt32(direction == 0 ? getAS(theFlow, 0) : getAS(theFlow, 1), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 21: if(readOnlyGlobals.collectorInPort > 0) copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(direction == 0 ? msTimeDiff(&theFlow->flowTimers.lastSeenSent, &readOnlyGlobals.initialSniffTime) : msTimeDiff(&theFlow->flowTimers.lastSeenRcvd, &readOnlyGlobals.initialSniffTime), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 22: if(readOnlyGlobals.collectorInPort > 0) copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(direction == 0 ? msTimeDiff(&theFlow->flowTimers.firstSeenSent, &readOnlyGlobals.initialSniffTime) : msTimeDiff(&theFlow->flowTimers.firstSeenRcvd, &readOnlyGlobals.initialSniffTime), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 23: copyInt32(direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.bytesSent : theFlow->flowCounters.bytesRcvd, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 24: copyInt32(direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.sentFragPkts : theFlow->flowCounters.rcvdFragPkts, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 27: if((theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 6) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 6)) copyIpV6(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src->host.ipType.ipv6 : theFlow->dst->host.ipType.ipv6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else { struct in6_addr _ipv6; memset(&_ipv6, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); copyIpV6(_ipv6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } break; case 28: if((theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 6) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 6)) copyIpV6(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dst->host.ipType.ipv6 : theFlow->dst->host.ipType.ipv6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else { struct in6_addr _ipv6; memset(&_ipv6, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); copyIpV6(_ipv6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } break; case 29: case 30: { IpAddress addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); copyIpV6(addr.ipType.ipv6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } break; case 32: copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstIcmpType : theFlow->dst2srcIcmpType, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 34: /* SAMPLING INTERVAL */ copyInt32(1 /* 1:1 = no sampling */, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 35: /* SAMPLING ALGORITHM */ copyInt8(0x01 /* 1=Deterministic Sampling, 0x02=Random Sampling */, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 36: /* FLOW ACTIVE TIMEOUT */ copyInt16(readOnlyGlobals.lifetimeTimeout, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 37: /* FLOW INACTIVE TIMEOUT */ copyInt16(readOnlyGlobals.idleTimeout, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 38: copyInt8((u_int8_t)readOnlyGlobals.engineType, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 39: copyInt8((u_int8_t)readOnlyGlobals.engineId, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 40: /* TOTAL_BYTES_EXP */ copyInt32(readWriteGlobals->totBytesExp, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 41: /* TOTAL_PKTS_EXP */ copyInt32(readWriteGlobals->totExpPktSent, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 42: /* TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP */ copyInt32(readWriteGlobals->totFlowExp, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 56: /* IN_SRC_MAC */ copyMac(direction == 0 ? theFlow->srcMacAddress : theFlow->dstMacAddress, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 57: /* OUT_DST_MAC */ copyMac(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dstMacAddress : theFlow->srcMacAddress, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 58: /* SRC_VLAN */ /* no break */ case 59: /* DST_VLAN */ copyInt16(theFlow->vlanId, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 60: /* IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION */ copyInt8((theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 4) ? 4 : 6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 61: /* Direction */ copyInt8(direction, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 70: /* MPLS: label 1 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 1, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 71: /* MPLS: label 2 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 2, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 72: /* MPLS: label 3 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 3, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 73: /* MPLS: label 4 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 4, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 74: /* MPLS: label 5 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 5, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 75: /* MPLS: label 6 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 6, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 76: /* MPLS: label 7 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 7, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 77: /* MPLS: label 8 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 8, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 78: /* MPLS: label 9 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 9, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 79: /* MPLS: label 10 */ copyMplsLabel(theFlow->mplsInfo, 10, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; /* ************************************ */ /* nProbe Extensions */ case NTOP_BASE_ID+80: copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow->flowCounters.sentFragPkts : theFlow->flowCounters.rcvdFragPkts, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; #if 0 case NTOP_BASE_ID+81: break; #endif case NTOP_BASE_ID+82: copyInt32(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? theFlow->clientNwDelay.tv_sec : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+83: copyInt32(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? theFlow->clientNwDelay.tv_usec : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+84: copyInt32(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? theFlow->serverNwDelay.tv_sec : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+85: copyInt32(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? theFlow->serverNwDelay.tv_usec : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+86: copyInt32(applLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstApplLatency.tv_sec : theFlow->dst2srcApplLatency.tv_sec) : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+87: copyInt32(applLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstApplLatency.tv_usec : theFlow->dst2srcApplLatency.tv_usec) : 0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+IN_PAYLOAD_ID: exportPayload(theFlow, 0, theTemplateElement, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+OUT_PAYLOAD_ID: exportPayload(theFlow, 1, theTemplateElement, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+98: copyInt32(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstIcmpFlags : theFlow->dst2srcIcmpFlags, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+101: /* SRC_IP_COUNTRY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->geo : theFlow->dst->geo; #endif //if(geo) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "SRC_IP_COUNTRY -> %s", (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : "???"); copyLen((u_char*)( #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : #endif " "), 2, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+102: /* SRC_IP_CITY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->geo : theFlow->dst->geo; #endif // if(geo) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "-> %s [%s]", geo->region, geo->country_code); copyLen((u_char*)( #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->city) ? geo->city : #endif " "), 16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+103: /* DST_IP_COUNTRY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->dst->geo : theFlow->src->geo; #endif // if(geo) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "DST_IP_COUNTRY -> %s", (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : "???"); copyLen((u_char*)( #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : #endif " "), 2, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+104: /* DST_IP_CITY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->dst->geo : theFlow->src->geo; #endif copyLen((u_char*)( #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->city) ? geo->city : #endif " "), 16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+105: /* FLOW_PROTO_PORT */ t16 = getFlowApplProtocol(theFlow); copyInt16(t16, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+106: /* TUNNEL_ID */ copyInt32(theFlow->tunnel_id, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+107: /* LONGEST_FLOW_PKT */ copyInt16(theFlow->flowCounters.pktSize.longest, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+108: /* SHORTEST_FLOW_PKT */ copyInt16(theFlow->flowCounters.pktSize.shortest, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+109: /* RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS */ copyInt32((direction == 1) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdRetransmitted : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentRetransmitted, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+110: /* RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS */ copyInt32((direction == 0) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdRetransmitted : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentRetransmitted, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+111: /* OOORDER_IN_PKTS */ copyInt32((direction == 1) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdOOOrder : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentOOOrder, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+112: /* OOORDER_OUT_PKTS */ copyInt32((direction == 0) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdOOOrder : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentOOOrder, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+113: /* UNTUNNELED_PROTOCOL */ copyInt8((u_int8_t)theFlow->untunneled.proto, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+114: /* UNTUNNELED_IPV4_SRC_ADDR */ if(readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode && (theFlow->untunneled.src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->untunneled.dst->host.ipVersion == 4)) copyInt32(direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.src->host.ipType.ipv4 : theFlow->untunneled.dst->host.ipType.ipv4, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+115: /* UNTUNNELED_L4_SRC_PORT */ if(readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode) copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow-> : theFlow->untunneled.dport, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt16(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+116: /* UNTUNNELED_IPV4_DST_ADDR */ if(readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode && (theFlow->untunneled.src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->untunneled.dst->host.ipVersion == 4)) copyInt32(direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.dst->host.ipType.ipv4 : theFlow->untunneled.src->host.ipType.ipv4, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt32(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+117: /* UNTUNNELED_L4_DST_PORT */ if(readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode) copyInt16(direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.dport : theFlow->, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); else copyInt16(0, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; /* Custom fields */ case 0xA0+4: snprintf((char*)custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), "%s", proto2name(theFlow->proto)); copyLen(custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 0xA0+7: snprintf((char*)custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), "%s", port2name(direction == 0 ? theFlow->sport : theFlow->dport, theFlow->proto)); copyLen(custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; case 0xA0+11: snprintf((char*)custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), "%s", port2name(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dport : theFlow->sport, theFlow->proto)); copyLen(custom_field, sizeof(custom_field), outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); break; default: if(checkPluginExport(theTemplateElement, direction, theFlow, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax) == -1) { /* This flow is the one we like, however we need to store some values anyway, so we put an empty value */ copyLen(null_data, theTemplateElement->templateElementLen, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax); } } } } #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "name=%s/Id=%d/len=%d [len=%d][outBufferMax=%d]\n", theTemplateElement->templateElementName, theTemplateElement->templateElementId, theTemplateElement->templateElementLen, *outBufferBegin, *outBufferMax); #endif } (*numElements) = (*numElements)+1; return; } /* ******************************************** */ void load_mappings() { struct servent *sv; #if !defined(WIN32) struct protoent *pe; #endif while((sv = getservent()) != NULL) { u_short port = ntohs(sv->s_port); if(port_mapping[port] == NULL) port_mapping[port] = strdup(sv->s_name); } #if !defined(WIN32) endservent(); #endif /* ******************** */ #if !defined(WIN32) while((pe = getprotoent()) != NULL) { if(proto_mapping[pe->p_proto] == NULL) { proto_mapping[pe->p_proto] = strdup(pe->p_name); // traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[%d][%s]", pe->p_proto, pe->p_name); } } endprotoent(); #else proto_mapping[0] = strdup("ip"); proto_mapping[1] = strdup("icmp"); proto_mapping[2] = strdup("igmp"); proto_mapping[6] = strdup("tcp"); proto_mapping[17] = strdup("udp"); #endif } /* ******************************************** */ void unload_mappings() { int i; for(i=0; i<0xFFFF; i++) if(port_mapping[i]) free(port_mapping[i]); for(i=0; i<0xFF; i++) if(proto_mapping[i]) free(proto_mapping[i]); } /* ******************************************** */ /* FIX: improve performance */ char* proto2name(u_int8_t proto) { #if 0 struct protoent *svt; if(proto == 6) return("tcp"); else if(proto == 17) return("udp"); else if(proto == 1) return("icmp"); else if(proto == 2) return("igmp"); else if((svt = getprotobynumber(proto)) != NULL) return(svt->p_name); else { static char the_proto[8]; snprintf(the_proto, sizeof(the_proto), "%d", proto); return(the_proto); } #else if(proto_mapping[proto] != NULL) { // traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[%d][%s]", proto, proto_mapping[proto]); return(proto_mapping[proto]); } else return("unknown"); #endif } /* ******************************************** */ static int mplsLabel2int(struct mpls_labels *mplsInfo, int labelId) { if(mplsInfo == NULL) return(0); else return((mplsInfo->mplsLabels[labelId][0] << 16) + (mplsInfo->mplsLabels[labelId][1] << 8) + mplsInfo->mplsLabels[labelId][2]); } /* ******************************************** */ static void printRecordWithTemplate(V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplateElement, char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_len, FlowHashBucket *theFlow, int direction) { char buf[128], *dst; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP GeoIPRecord *geo; #endif uint len; /* traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[%s][%d]", theTemplate->templateElementName, theTemplate->templateElementLen); */ len = strlen(line_buffer); dst = &line_buffer[len]; switch(theTemplateElement->templateElementId) { case 1: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.bytesRcvd : theFlow->flowCounters.bytesSent); break; case 2: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.pktRcvd : theFlow->flowCounters.pktSent); break; case 4: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", theFlow->proto); break; case 0xFF+4: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", proto2name(theFlow->proto)); break; case 5: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstTos : theFlow->dst2srcTos); break; case 6: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstTcpFlags : theFlow->dst2srcTcpFlags); break; case 7: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->sport : theFlow->dport); break; case 0xFF+7: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", port2name(direction == 0 ? theFlow->sport : theFlow->dport, theFlow->proto)); break; case 8: case 27: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", _intoa(direction == 0 ? theFlow->src->host : theFlow->dst->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case 9: /* SRC_MASK */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", ip2mask((direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->host : theFlow->dst->host)); break; case 10: /* INPUT_SNMP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", theFlow->if_input); break; case 11: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->dport : theFlow->sport); break; case 0xFF+11: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", port2name(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dport : theFlow->sport, theFlow->proto)); break; case 12: case 28: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", _intoa(direction == 0 ? theFlow->dst->host : theFlow->src->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case 13: /* DST_MASK */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", ip2mask((direction == 1) ? theFlow->src->host : theFlow->dst->host)); break; case 14: /* OUTPUT_SNMP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", theFlow->if_output); break; case 15: /* IPV4_NEXT_HOP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", 0); break; case 16: /* SRC_AS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? getAS(theFlow, 1) : getAS(theFlow, 0)); break; case 17: /* DST_AS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? getAS(theFlow, 0) : getAS(theFlow, 1)); break; case 21: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (unsigned int)(direction == 0 ? theFlow->flowTimers.lastSeenSent.tv_sec : theFlow->flowTimers.lastSeenRcvd.tv_sec)); break; case 22: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (unsigned int)(direction == 0 ? theFlow->flowTimers.firstSeenSent.tv_sec : theFlow->flowTimers.firstSeenRcvd.tv_sec)); break; case 23: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.bytesSent : theFlow->flowCounters.bytesRcvd); break; case 24: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", direction == 1 ? theFlow->flowCounters.sentFragPkts : theFlow->flowCounters.rcvdFragPkts); break; case 29: case 30: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", 0); break; case 32: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstIcmpType : theFlow->dst2srcIcmpType); break; case 34: /* SAMPLING INTERVAL */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", 1 /* 1:1 = no sampling */); break; case 35: /* SAMPLING ALGORITHM */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", 0x01 /* 1=Deterministic Sampling, 0x02=Random Sampling */); break; case 36: /* FLOW ACTIVE TIMEOUT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readOnlyGlobals.lifetimeTimeout); break; case 37: /* FLOW INACTIVE TIMEOUT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readOnlyGlobals.idleTimeout); break; case 38: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readOnlyGlobals.engineType); break; case 39: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readOnlyGlobals.engineId); break; case 40: /* TOTAL_BYTES_EXP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readWriteGlobals->totBytesExp); break; case 41: /* TOTAL_PKTS_EXP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readWriteGlobals->totExpPktSent); break; case 42: /* TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", readWriteGlobals->totFlowExp); break; case 56: /* IN_SRC_MAC */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", direction == 0 ? etheraddr_string(theFlow->srcMacAddress, buf) : etheraddr_string(theFlow->dstMacAddress, buf)); break; case 57: /* OUT_DST_MAC */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", direction == 0 ? etheraddr_string(theFlow->dstMacAddress, buf) : etheraddr_string(theFlow->srcMacAddress, buf)); break; case 58: /* SRC_VLAN */ case 59: /* DST_VLAN */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", theFlow->vlanId); break; case 60: /* IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (theFlow->src->host.ipVersion == 4) && (theFlow->dst->host.ipVersion == 4) ? 4 : 6); break; case 61: /* Direction */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction); break; case 70: /* MPLS: label 1 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 0)); break; case 71: /* MPLS: label 2 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 1)); break; case 72: /* MPLS: label 3 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 2)); break; case 73: /* MPLS: label 4 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 3)); break; case 74: /* MPLS: label 5 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 4)); break; case 75: /* MPLS: label 6 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 5)); break; case 76: /* MPLS: label 7 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 6)); break; case 77: /* MPLS: label 8 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 7)); break; case 78: /* MPLS: label 9 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 8)); break; case 79: /* MPLS: label 10 */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", mplsLabel2int(theFlow->mplsInfo, 9)); break; /* ************************************ */ /* nProbe Extensions */ case NTOP_BASE_ID+80: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", direction == 0 ? theFlow->flowCounters.sentFragPkts : theFlow->flowCounters.rcvdFragPkts); break; #if 0 case NTOP_BASE_ID+81: break; #endif case NTOP_BASE_ID+82: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (int)(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? theFlow->clientNwDelay.tv_sec : 0)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+83: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (u_int32_t)theFlow->clientNwDelay.tv_usec : 0); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+84: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (int)(nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (u_int32_t)theFlow->serverNwDelay.tv_sec : 0)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+85: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", nwLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (u_int32_t)theFlow->serverNwDelay.tv_usec : 0); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+86: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (u_int32_t)(applLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstApplLatency.tv_sec : theFlow->dst2srcApplLatency.tv_sec) : 0)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+87: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (u_int32_t)(applLatencyComputed(theFlow) ? (direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstApplLatency.tv_usec : theFlow->dst2srcApplLatency.tv_usec) : 0)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+IN_PAYLOAD_ID: case NTOP_BASE_ID+OUT_PAYLOAD_ID: { int idx, len; if((theTemplateElement->templateElementId == IN_PAYLOAD_ID) || (theTemplateElement->templateElementId == OUT_PAYLOAD_ID)) len = theFlow->src2dstPayloadLen; else len = theFlow->dst2srcPayloadLen; for(idx=0; idx<len; idx++) snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%c", ((theTemplateElement->templateElementId == IN_PAYLOAD_ID) || (theTemplateElement->templateElementId == OUT_PAYLOAD_ID)) ? theFlow->src2dstPayload[idx] : theFlow->dst2srcPayload[idx]); } break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+98: snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", direction == 0 ? theFlow->src2dstIcmpFlags : theFlow->dst2srcIcmpFlags); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+101: /* SRC_IP_COUNTRY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->geo : theFlow->dst->geo; #endif snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : #endif ""); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+102: /* SRC_IP_CITY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->src->geo : theFlow->dst->geo; #endif snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->city) ? geo->city : #endif ""); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+103: /* DST_IP_COUNTRY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->dst->geo : theFlow->src->geo; #endif snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->country_code) ? geo->country_code : #endif ""); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+104: /* DST_IP_CITY */ #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP geo = (direction == 0) ? theFlow->dst->geo : theFlow->src->geo; #endif snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP (geo && geo->city) ? geo->city : #endif ""); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+105: /* FLOW_PROTO_PORT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", getFlowApplProtocol(theFlow)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+106: /* TUNNEL_ID */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", theFlow->tunnel_id); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+107: /* LONGEST_FLOW_PKT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", theFlow->flowCounters.pktSize.longest); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+108: /* SHORTEST_FLOW_PKT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", theFlow->flowCounters.pktSize.shortest); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+109: /* RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (direction == 1) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdRetransmitted : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentRetransmitted); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+110: /* RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (direction == 0) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdRetransmitted : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentRetransmitted); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+111: /* OOORDER_IN_PKTS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (direction == 1) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdOOOrder : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentOOOrder); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+112: /* OOORDER_OUT_PKTS */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%u", (direction == 0) ? theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.rcvdOOOrder : theFlow->flowCounters.tcpPkts.sentOOOrder); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+113: /* UNTUNNELED_PROTOCOL */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode == 0) ? 0 : theFlow->untunneled.proto); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+114: /* UNTUNNELED_IPV4_SRC_ADDR */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", ((readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode == 0) || (theFlow->untunneled.proto == 0)) ? "" : (_intoa(direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.src->host : theFlow->untunneled.dst->host, buf, sizeof(buf)))); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+115: /* UNTUNNELED_L4_SRC_PORT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode == 0) ? 0 : (direction == 0 ? theFlow-> : theFlow->untunneled.dport)); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+116: /* UNTUNNELED_IPV4_DST_ADDR */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%s", ((readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode == 0) || (theFlow->untunneled.proto == 0)) ? "" : (_intoa(direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.dst->host : theFlow->untunneled.src->host, buf, sizeof(buf)))); break; case NTOP_BASE_ID+117: /* UNTUNNELED_L4_DST_PORT */ snprintf(dst, (line_buffer_len-len), "%d", (readOnlyGlobals.tunnel_mode == 0) ? 0 : (direction == 0 ? theFlow->untunneled.dport : theFlow->; break; default: checkPluginPrint(theTemplateElement, direction, theFlow, line_buffer, line_buffer_len); } #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "name=%s/Id=%d\n", theTemplateElement->templateElementName, theTemplateElement->templateElementId); #endif } /* ******************************************** */ void flowPrintf(V9V10TemplateElementId **templateList, u_int8_t ipv4_template, char *outBuffer, uint *outBufferBegin, uint *outBufferMax, int *numElements, char buildTemplate, FlowHashBucket *theFlow, int direction, int addTypeLen, int optionTemplate) { int idx = 0; (*numElements) = 0; while(templateList[idx] != NULL) { handleTemplate(templateList[idx], ipv4_template, outBuffer, outBufferBegin, outBufferMax, buildTemplate, numElements, theFlow, direction, addTypeLen, optionTemplate); idx++; } } /* ******************************************** */ void flowFilePrintf(V9V10TemplateElementId **templateList, FILE *stream, FlowHashBucket *theFlow, int direction) { int idx = 0; char line_buffer[2048] = { '\0' }; readWriteGlobals->sql_row_idx++; if(readOnlyGlobals.dumpFormat == sqlite_format) snprintf(&line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)], sizeof(line_buffer), "insert into flows values ('"); while(templateList[idx] != NULL) { if(idx > 0) { if(readOnlyGlobals.dumpFormat == sqlite_format) snprintf(&line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)], sizeof(line_buffer), "','"); else snprintf(&line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)], sizeof(line_buffer), "%s", readOnlyGlobals.csv_separator); } printRecordWithTemplate(templateList[idx], line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), theFlow, direction); idx++; } if(readOnlyGlobals.dumpFormat == sqlite_format) { snprintf(&line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)], sizeof(line_buffer), "');"); #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE sqlite_exec_sql(line_buffer); #endif } else fprintf(stream, "%s\n", line_buffer); } /* ******************************************** */ void compileTemplate(char *_fmt, V9V10TemplateElementId **templateList, int templateElements) { int idx=0, endIdx, i, templateIdx, len = strlen(_fmt); char fmt[1024], tmpChar, found; u_int8_t ignored; /* Change \n and \r (if any) to space */ for(i=0; _fmt[i] != '\0'; i++) { switch(_fmt[i]) { case '\r': case '\n': _fmt[i] = ' '; break; } } templateIdx = 0; snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "%s", _fmt); while((idx < len) && (fmt[idx] != '\0')) { /* scan format string characters */ switch(fmt[idx]) { case '%': /* special format follows */ endIdx = ++idx; while(fmt[endIdx] != '\0') { if((fmt[endIdx] == ' ') || (fmt[endIdx] == '%')) break; else endIdx++; } if((endIdx == (idx+1)) && (fmt[endIdx] == '\0')) return; tmpChar = fmt[endIdx]; fmt[endIdx] = '\0'; ignored = 0; if(strstr(&fmt[idx], "_COUNTRY") || strstr(&fmt[idx], "_CITY")) { #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP if(readOnlyGlobals.geo_ip_city_db == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Geo-location requires --city-list to be specified: ignored %s", &fmt[idx]); ignored = 1; } #else ignored = 1; #endif } /* traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Checking '%s' [ignored=%d]", &fmt[idx], ignored); */ if(!ignored) { int duplicate_found = 0; i = 0, found = 0; while(ver9_templates[i].templateElementName != NULL) { if(strcmp(&fmt[idx], ver9_templates[i].templateElementName) == 0) { int j; for(j=0; j<templateIdx; j++) { if(templateList[j] == &ver9_templates[i]) { traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Duplicate template element found %s: skipping", &fmt[idx]); duplicate_found = 1; break; } } if(!duplicate_found) { templateList[templateIdx++] = &ver9_templates[i]; if(ver9_templates[i].useLongSnaplen) readOnlyGlobals.snaplen = PCAP_LONG_SNAPLEN; found = 1; } break; } /* traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Checking [%s][%s][found=%d]", &fmt[idx], ver9_templates[i].templateElementName, found); */ i++; } if(!duplicate_found) { /* traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Checking [%s][found=%d]", &fmt[idx], found); */ if(!found) { if((templateList[templateIdx] = getPluginTemplate(&fmt[idx])) != NULL) { templateIdx++; } else traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to locate template '%s'. Discarded.", &fmt[idx]); } if(templateIdx >= (templateElements-1)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to add further template elements (%d).", templateIdx); break; } } } fmt[endIdx] = tmpChar; if(tmpChar == '%') idx = endIdx; else idx = endIdx+1; break; default: idx++; break; } } templateList[templateIdx] = NULL; } /* ******************************************** */ double toMs(struct timeval theTime) { return(theTime.tv_sec+(float)theTime.tv_usec/1000000); } /* ****************************************************** */ u_int32_t msTimeDiff(struct timeval *end, struct timeval *begin) { if((end->tv_sec == 0) && (end->tv_usec == 0)) return(0); else return((end->tv_sec-begin->tv_sec)*1000+(end->tv_usec-begin->tv_usec)/1000); } /* ****************************************************** */ #ifndef WIN32 int createCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { int rc; pthread_mutex_init(&condvarId->mutex, NULL); rc = pthread_cond_init(&condvarId->condvar, NULL); condvarId->predicate = 0; return(rc); } /* ************************************ */ void deleteCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&condvarId->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&condvarId->condvar); } /* ************************************ */ int waitCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { int rc; if((rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&condvarId->mutex)) != 0) return rc; while(condvarId->predicate <= 0) pthread_cond_wait(&condvarId->condvar, &condvarId->mutex); condvarId->predicate--; rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&condvarId->mutex); return rc; } /* ************************************ */ int signalCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId, int broadcast) { int rc; pthread_mutex_lock(&condvarId->mutex); condvarId->predicate++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&condvarId->mutex); if(broadcast) rc = pthread_cond_broadcast(&condvarId->condvar); else rc = pthread_cond_signal(&condvarId->condvar); return rc; } #undef sleep /* Used by ntop_sleep */ #else /* WIN32 */ /* ************************************ */ int createCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { condvarId->condVar = CreateEvent(NULL, /* no security */ TRUE , /* auto-reset event (FALSE = single event, TRUE = broadcast) */ FALSE, /* non-signaled initially */ NULL); /* unnamed */ InitializeCriticalSection(&condvarId->criticalSection); return(1); } /* ************************************ */ void deleteCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { CloseHandle(condvarId->condVar); DeleteCriticalSection(&condvarId->criticalSection); } /* ************************************ */ int waitCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId) { int rc; #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "Wait (%x)...", condvarId->condVar); #endif EnterCriticalSection(&condvarId->criticalSection); rc = WaitForSingleObject(condvarId->condVar, INFINITE); LeaveCriticalSection(&condvarId->criticalSection); #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "Got signal (%d)...", rc); #endif return(rc); } /* ************************************ */ /* NOTE: broadcast is currently ignored */ int signalCondvar(ConditionalVariable *condvarId, int broadcast) { #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "Signaling (%x)...", condvarId->condVar); #endif return((int)PulseEvent(condvarId->condVar)); } #define sleep(a /* sec */) waitForNextEvent(1000*a /* ms */) #endif /* WIN32 */ /* ******************************************* */ unsigned int ntop_sleep(unsigned int secs) { unsigned int unsleptTime = secs, rest; while((rest = sleep(unsleptTime)) > 0) unsleptTime = rest; return(secs); } /* ******************************************* */ FlowHashBucket* getListHead(FlowHashBucket **list) { FlowHashBucket *bkt = *list; if(bkt == NULL) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR: getListHead is empty"); else (*list) = bkt->next; return(bkt); } /* ******************************************* */ void addToList(FlowHashBucket *bkt, FlowHashBucket **list) { bkt->next = *list; (*list) = bkt; } /* **************************************** */ #ifndef WIN32 void detachFromTerminal(int doChdir) { if(doChdir) { int rc = chdir("/"); if(rc != 0) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Error while moving to / directory"); } setsid(); /* detach from the terminal */ fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); /* fclose(stderr); */ /* * clear any inherited file mode creation mask */ umask (0); /* * Use line buffered stdout */ /* setlinebuf (stdout); */ setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0); } /* **************************************** */ void daemonize(void) { int childpid; signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if((childpid = fork()) < 0) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "INIT: Occurred while daemonizing (errno=%d)", errno); else { #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "DEBUG: after fork() in %s (%d)", childpid ? "parent" : "child", childpid); #endif if(!childpid) { /* child */ traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "INIT: Bye bye: I'm becoming a daemon..."); detachFromTerminal(1); } else { /* father */ traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "INIT: Parent process is exiting (this is normal)"); exit(0); } } } #endif /* WIN32 */ /* **************************************** Address management **************************************** */ static int int2bits(int number) { int bits = 8; int test; if((number > 255) || (number < 0)) return(CONST_INVALIDNETMASK); else { test = ~number & 0xff; while (test & 0x1) { bits --; test = test >> 1; } if(number != ((~(0xff >> bits)) & 0xff)) return(CONST_INVALIDNETMASK); else return(bits); } } /* ********************** */ static int dotted2bits(char *mask) { int fields[4]; int fields_num, field_bits; int bits = 0; int i; fields_num = sscanf(mask, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &fields[0], &fields[1], &fields[2], &fields[3]); if((fields_num == 1) && (fields[0] <= 32) && (fields[0] >= 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "DEBUG: dotted2bits (%s) = %d", mask, fields[0]); #endif return(fields[0]); } for (i=0; i < fields_num; i++) { /* We are in a dotted quad notation. */ field_bits = int2bits (fields[i]); switch (field_bits) { case CONST_INVALIDNETMASK: return(CONST_INVALIDNETMASK); case 0: /* whenever a 0 bits field is reached there are no more */ /* fields to scan */ /* In this case we are in a bits (not dotted quad) notation */ return(bits /* fields[0] - L.Deri 08/2001 */); default: bits += field_bits; } } return(bits); } /* ********************************* */ static char* read_file(char* path, char* buf, uint buf_len) { FILE *fd = fopen(&path[1], "r"); if(fd == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to read file %s", path); return(NULL); } else { char line[256]; int idx = 0; while(!feof(fd) && (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL)) { if((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] == '\n')) continue; while(strlen(line) && (line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n')) { line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; } snprintf(&buf[idx], buf_len-idx-2, "%s%s", (idx > 0) ? "," : "", line); idx = strlen(buf); } fclose(fd); return(buf); } } /* ********************************* */ static u_int8_t num_network_bits(u_int32_t addr) { u_int8_t i, j, bits = 0, fields[4]; memcpy(fields, &addr, 4); for(i = 8; i <= 8; i--) for(j=0; j<4; j++) if ((fields[j] & (1 << i)) != 0) bits++; return(bits); } /* ********************** */ typedef struct { u_int32_t network; u_int32_t networkMask; u_int32_t broadcast; } netAddress_t; int parseAddress(char * address, netAddress_t * netaddress) { u_int32_t network, networkMask, broadcast; int bits, a, b, c, d; char *mask = strchr(address, '/'); mask[0] = '\0'; mask++; bits = dotted2bits (mask); if(sscanf(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d) != 4) return -1; if(bits == CONST_INVALIDNETMASK) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "netmask '%s' not valid - ignoring entry", mask); /* malformed netmask specification */ return -1; } network = ((a & 0xff) << 24) + ((b & 0xff) << 16) + ((c & 0xff) << 8) + (d & 0xff); /* Special case the /32 mask - yeah, we could probably do it with some fancy u long long stuff, but this is simpler... Burton Strauss <> Jun2002 */ if(bits == 32) { networkMask = 0xffffffff; } else { networkMask = 0xffffffff >> bits; networkMask = ~networkMask; } if((network & networkMask) != network) { /* malformed network specification */ traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d is not a valid network - correcting mask", a, b, c, d, bits); /* correcting network numbers as specified in the netmask */ network &= networkMask; /* a = (int) ((network >> 24) & 0xff); b = (int) ((network >> 16) & 0xff); c = (int) ((network >> 8) & 0xff); d = (int) ((network >> 0) & 0xff); traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_NOISY, "Assuming %d.%d.%d.%d/%d [0x%08x/0x%08x]", a, b, c, d, bits, network, networkMask); */ } broadcast = network | (~networkMask); a = (int) ((network >> 24) & 0xff); b = (int) ((network >> 16) & 0xff); c = (int) ((network >> 8) & 0xff); d = (int) ((network >> 0) & 0xff); traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Adding %d.%d.%d.%d/%d to the local network list", a, b, c, d, bits); netaddress->network = network; netaddress->networkMask = networkMask; netaddress->broadcast = broadcast; return 0; } /* ********************** */ void parseLocalAddressLists(char* _addresses) { char *address, *addresses, *strTokState = NULL, buf[2048]; readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks = 0; if((_addresses == NULL) || (_addresses[0] == '\0')) return; else if(_addresses[0] == '@') { addresses = strdup(read_file(_addresses, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else addresses = strdup(_addresses); address = strtok_r(addresses, ",", &strTokState); while(address != NULL) { char *mask = strchr(address, '/'); if(mask == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Empty mask '%s' - ignoring entry", address); } else { netAddress_t netaddress; if(readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks >= MAX_NUM_NETWORKS) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Too many networks defined (-L): skipping further networks"); break; } if(parseAddress(address, &netaddress)==-1) { address = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strTokState); continue; } /* NOTE: entries are saved in network byte order for performance reasons */ localNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks][CONST_NETWORK_ENTRY] = htonl(; localNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks][CONST_NETMASK_ENTRY] = htonl(netaddress.networkMask); localNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks][CONST_BROADCAST_ENTRY] = htonl(netaddress.broadcast); localNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks][CONST_NETMASK_V6_ENTRY] = num_network_bits(netaddress.networkMask); /* Host byte-order */ readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks++; } address = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strTokState); } free(addresses); } /* ************************************************ */ void parseBlacklistNetworks(char* _addresses) { char *address, *addresses, buf[2048], *strTokState = NULL; readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks = 0; if((_addresses == NULL) || (_addresses[0] == '\0')) return; else if(_addresses[0] == '@') { addresses = strdup(read_file(_addresses, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else addresses = strdup(_addresses); address = strtok_r(addresses, ",", &strTokState); while(address != NULL) { char *mask = strchr(address, '/'); if(mask == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Empty mask '%s' - ignoring entry", address); } else { netAddress_t netaddress; if(readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks >= MAX_NUM_NETWORKS) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Too many networks defined (--black-list): skipping further networks"); break; } if (parseAddress(address,&netaddress)==-1) { address = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strTokState); continue; } /* NOTE: entries are saved in network byte order for performance reasons */ blacklistNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks][CONST_NETWORK_ENTRY] = htonl(; blacklistNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks][CONST_NETMASK_ENTRY] = htonl(netaddress.networkMask); blacklistNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks][CONST_BROADCAST_ENTRY] = htonl(netaddress.broadcast); blacklistNetworks[readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks][CONST_NETMASK_V6_ENTRY] = num_network_bits(netaddress.networkMask); /* Host byte-order */ readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks++; } address = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strTokState); } free(addresses); } /* ************************************************ */ //#define DEBUG #undef DEBUG unsigned short isLocalAddress(struct in_addr *addr) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG char buf[64]; #endif #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "isLocalAddress(%s)", _intoaV4(ntohl(addr->s_addr), buf, sizeof(buf))); #endif /* If unset all the addresses are local */ if(readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks == 0) return(1); for(i=0; i<readOnlyGlobals.numLocalNetworks; i++) if((addr->s_addr & localNetworks[i][CONST_NETMASK_ENTRY]) == localNetworks[i][CONST_NETWORK_ENTRY]) { #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "%s is local", _intoaV4(ntohl(addr->s_addr), buf, sizeof(buf))); #endif return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "%s is NOT local", _intoaV4(ntohl(addr->s_addr), buf, sizeof(buf))); #endif return(0); } /* ************************************************ */ u_short isBlacklistedAddress(struct in_addr *addr) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG char buf[64]; #endif /* If unset is not blacklisted */ if(readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks == 0) return(0); for(i=0; i<readOnlyGlobals.numBlacklistNetworks; i++) if((addr->s_addr & blacklistNetworks[i][CONST_NETMASK_ENTRY]) == blacklistNetworks[i][CONST_NETWORK_ENTRY]) { #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "%s is blacklisted", _intoaV4(ntohl(addr->s_addr), buf, sizeof(buf))); #endif return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "%s is NOT blacklisted", _intoaV4(ntohl(addr->s_addr), buf, sizeof(buf))); #endif return(0); } /* ************************************************ */ /* Utility function */ u_int32_t str2addr(char *address) { int a, b, c, d; if(sscanf(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d) != 4) { return(0); } else return(((a & 0xff) << 24) + ((b & 0xff) << 16) + ((c & 0xff) << 8) + (d & 0xff)); } /* ************************************************ */ static char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char* etheraddr_string(const u_char *ep, char *buf) { uint i, j; char *cp; cp = buf; if ((j = *ep >> 4) != 0) *cp++ = hex[j]; else *cp++ = '0'; *cp++ = hex[*ep++ & 0xf]; for(i = 5; (int)--i >= 0;) { *cp++ = ':'; if ((j = *ep >> 4) != 0) *cp++ = hex[j]; else *cp++ = '0'; *cp++ = hex[*ep++ & 0xf]; } *cp = '\0'; return (buf); } /* ************************************ */ void resetBucketStats(FlowHashBucket* bkt, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, uint len, int direction, u_char *payload, int payloadLen) { memset(&bkt->flowCounters, 0, sizeof(bkt->flowCounters)); memset(&bkt->flowTimers, 0, sizeof(bkt->flowTimers)); memset(&bkt->clientNwDelay, 0, sizeof(bkt->clientNwDelay)); memset(&bkt->serverNwDelay, 0, sizeof(bkt->serverNwDelay)); memset(&bkt->synTime, 0, sizeof(bkt->synTime)); memset(&bkt->synAckTime, 0, sizeof(bkt->synAckTime)); memset(&bkt->src2dstApplLatency, 0, sizeof(bkt->src2dstApplLatency)); memset(&bkt->dst2srcApplLatency, 0, sizeof(bkt->dst2srcApplLatency)); if(direction == 0 /* src -> dst */) { bkt->flowCounters.bytesSent = len, bkt->flowCounters.pktSent = 1, bkt->flowCounters.bytesRcvd = bkt->flowCounters.pktRcvd = 0; memcpy(&bkt->flowTimers.firstSeenSent, &h->ts, sizeof(struct timeval)); memcpy(&bkt->flowTimers.lastSeenSent, &h->ts, sizeof(struct timeval)); } else { bkt->flowCounters.bytesSent = bkt->flowCounters.pktSent = 0, bkt->flowCounters.bytesRcvd = len, bkt->flowCounters.pktRcvd = 1; memcpy(&bkt->flowTimers.firstSeenRcvd, &h->ts, sizeof(struct timeval)); memcpy(&bkt->flowTimers.lastSeenRcvd, &h->ts, sizeof(struct timeval)); } bkt->flags = 0, bkt->src2dstTos = 0, bkt->dst2srcTos = 0; if(bkt->src2dstPayload) { free(bkt->src2dstPayload); bkt->src2dstPayload = NULL; } if(bkt->dst2srcPayload) { free(bkt->dst2srcPayload); bkt->dst2srcPayload = NULL; } setPayload(bkt, h, payload, payloadLen, direction); } /* ****************************************** */ /* UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn */ void maximize_socket_buffer(int sock_fd, int buf_type) { int i, rcv_buffsize_base, rcv_buffsize, max_buf_size = 1024 * 2 * 1024 /* 2 MB */, debug = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof(rcv_buffsize_base); if(getsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, buf_type, &rcv_buffsize_base, &len) < 0) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to read socket receiver buffer size [%s]", strerror(errno)); return; } else { if(debug) traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Default socket %s buffer size is %d", buf_type == SO_RCVBUF ? "receive" : "send", rcv_buffsize_base); } for(i=2;; i++) { rcv_buffsize = i * rcv_buffsize_base; if(rcv_buffsize > max_buf_size) break; if(setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, buf_type, &rcv_buffsize, sizeof(rcv_buffsize)) < 0) { if(debug) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to set socket %s buffer size [%s]", buf_type == SO_RCVBUF ? "receive" : "send", strerror(errno)); break; } else if(debug) traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "%s socket buffer size set %d", buf_type == SO_RCVBUF ? "Receive" : "Send", rcv_buffsize); } } /* ****************************************** */ #ifdef linux /* /usr/local/bin/setethcore <eth2> <core Id> */ #define SET_NETWORK_CARD_AFFINITY "/usr/local/bin/setethcore" void setCpuAffinity(char *dev_name, char *cpuId) { pid_t p = 0; /* current process */ int ret, num = 0; cpu_set_t cpu_set; int numCpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); char *strtokState, *cpu, _cpuId[256] = { 0 }; if(cpuId == NULL) return; /* No affinity */ traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "This computer has %d processor(s)\n", numCpus); CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set); cpu = strtok_r(cpuId, ",", &strtokState); while(cpu != NULL) { int id = atoi(cpu); if(id >= numCpus) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Skept CPU id %d as you have %d available CPU(s) [0..%d]", id, numCpus, numCpus-1); } else { CPU_SET(id, &cpu_set), num++; traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Adding CPU %d to the CPU affinity set", id); snprintf(&_cpuId[strlen(_cpuId)], sizeof(_cpuId)-strlen(_cpuId)-1, "%s%d", (_cpuId[0] != '\0') ? "," : "", id); } cpu = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtokState); } if(num == 0) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "No valid CPU id has been selected: skipping CPU affinity set"); return; } ret = sched_setaffinity(p, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set); if(ret == 0) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "CPU affinity successfully set to %s", _cpuId); if((dev_name != NULL) && strcmp(dev_name, "none")) { struct stat stats; if(stat(SET_NETWORK_CARD_AFFINITY, &stats) == 0) { char affinity_buf[256]; int ret; snprintf(affinity_buf, sizeof(affinity_buf), "%s %s %s", SET_NETWORK_CARD_AFFINITY, dev_name, _cpuId); ret = system(affinity_buf); traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Executed '%s' (ret: %d)", affinity_buf, ret); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Missing %s: unable to set %s affinity", SET_NETWORK_CARD_AFFINITY, dev_name); } } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Unspecified card (-i missing): not setting card affinity"); } } else traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to set CPU affinity to %08lx [ret: %d]", cpu_set, ret); } #endif u_int32_t queuedPkts(PacketQueue *queue) { u_int32_t ret; if(queue->num_queued_pkts >= queue->num_dequeued_pkts) ret = (queue->num_queued_pkts-queue->num_dequeued_pkts); else ret = (((u_int32_t) - 1)-queue->num_dequeued_pkts+queue->num_queued_pkts); if(0) traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "queuedPkts=%d", ret); return(ret); } u_int32_t numFreeSlots(PacketQueue *queue) { u_int32_t ret = queue->queue_capacity - queuedPkts(queue); return(ret); } /* ******************************************* */ int mkdir_p(char *path) { int i, rc = 0; int permission = 0777; if(path == NULL) return(-1); #ifdef WIN32 revertSlash(path, 0); #endif /* Start at 1 to skip the root */ for(i=1; path[i] != '\0'; i++) if(path[i] == CONST_DIR_SEP) { #ifdef WIN32 /* Do not create devices directory */ if((i > 1) && (path[i-1] == ':')) continue; #endif path[i] = '\0'; rc = mkdir(path, permission); if((rc != 0) && (errno != EEXIST) ) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "mkdir_p(%s): [error=%d/%s]", path, errno, strerror(errno)); path[i] = CONST_DIR_SEP; } mkdir(path, permission); if((rc != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "mkdir_p(%s), error %d %s", path, errno, strerror(errno)); return(rc); } /* ******************************************* */ void dropPrivileges(void) { #ifndef WIN32 struct passwd *pw = NULL; pw = getpwnam("nobody"); if(pw == NULL) pw = getpwnam("anonymous"); if(pw != NULL) { /* Drop privileges */ if((setgid(pw->pw_gid) != 0) || (setuid(pw->pw_uid) != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to drop privileges [%s]", strerror(errno)); } } else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to locate user nobody"); } umask(0); #endif } /* ******************************************* */ char* CollectorAddress2Str(CollectorAddress *collector, char *buf, u_int buf_len) { char *transport, addr[64]; u_int port; switch(collector->transport) { case TRANSPORT_UDP: transport = "udp"; break; case TRANSPORT_TCP: transport = "tcp"; break; case TRANSPORT_SCTP: transport = "sctp"; break; case TRANSPORT_UDP_RAW: transport = "udp-raw"; break; default: transport = "???"; } #ifdef IPV4_ONLY inet_ntop(AF_INET, &collector->u.v4Address, addr, sizeof(addr)), port = collector->u.v4Address.sin_port; #else if(collector->isIPv6 == 0) inet_ntop(AF_INET, &collector->u.v4Address.sin_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)), port = collector->u.v4Address.sin_port; else inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &collector->u.v6Address.sin6_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)), port = collector->u.v6Address.sin6_port; #endif snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s://%s:%d", transport, addr, ntohs(port)); return(buf); } /* ******************************************* */ static char* LogEventSeverity2Str(LogEventSeverity event_severity) { switch(event_severity) { case severity_error: return("ERROR"); case severity_warning: return("WARN"); case severity_info: return("INFO"); default: return("???"); } } /* ******************************************* */ static char* LogEventType2Str(LogEventType event_type) { switch(event_type) { case probe_started: return("NPROBE_START"); case probe_stopped: return("NPROBE_STOP"); case packet_drop: return("CAPTURE_PACKET_DROP"); case flow_export_error: return("FLOW_EXPORT_ERROR"); case collector_connection_error: return("COLLECTOR_CONNECTION_ERROR"); case collector_connected: return("CONNECTED_TO_COLLECTOR"); case collector_disconnected: return("DISCONNECTED_FROM_COLLECTOR"); default: return("???"); } } /* ******************************************* */ void dumpLogEvent(LogEventType event_type, LogEventSeverity severity, char *message) { FILE *fd; time_t theTime; char theDate[32]; if(readOnlyGlobals.eventLogPath == NULL) return; fd = fopen(readOnlyGlobals.eventLogPath, "a"); if(fd == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to append event on file %s", readOnlyGlobals.eventLogPath); return; } theTime = time(NULL); strftime(theDate, sizeof(theDate), "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&theTime)); fprintf(fd, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", theDate, LogEventSeverity2Str(severity), LogEventType2Str(event_type), message ? message : ""); fclose(fd); }