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File check_esx3 of Package nagios-plugins-snmp
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim:ts=4 # check_esx Version 3.0 # # Check the status of a virtual machine on a VMware ESX server, via SNMP # Return status in format for either Nagios or MRTG # # Steve Shipway ( Nov 2004, Dec 2006, Aug 2007 # Released under GNU GPL # # Version 2.0: Added SNMP agent extension to get memory split and ready time # 2.1: Corrected some bugs. Use >0.01 instead of >0. # 2.2: corrected opt_r bug, fa bug # 2.3: # 2.4: simpler guest names for list report # 2.5: Thresholds for LIST given more sensible defaults # Added -a alternate for MRTG/Nagios in MEM and CPU # 2.6: Final tests under ESX3 # 3.0: Merge in GW additions, change -v to -V to standardise use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Std; my($VERSION) = "3.0"; ######## CONFIGURABLE my($STATEFILE) = "/var/tmp/esx_state"; # For rate counter (if not agent) my($SWAPINCRIT) = 1024; # this many bps swap in is critical (else warn) my($SWAPINWARN) = 128; my($SWAPPCCRIT) = 4; # this % of gruest memory in swap is critical (else warn) my($SWAPPCWARN) = 1; # under ESX3, this is always >0 by a tiny bit my($warn,$crit) = (70,90); # usage warn/crit: 70/90 is virtualcentre default my($rwarn,$rcrit) = (10,15); # cpu readytime warn/crit: VMWare say to crit at 5% my($community) = 'public'; # Default community string my($TRUNC) = 16; # truncte guest names in report to this length (use 99 to stop) ######## END my($VMOID) = ""; # VMware MIB my($UCDOID) = ""; # where to find the agent plugin my($SYSOID) = ""; # system object to test SNMP working my($OK,$WARNING,$CRITICAL,$UNKNOWN) = (0,1,2,3); my(%VisibleStatus) = ($OK => "OK", $WARNING => "WARNING", $CRITICAL => "CRITICAL", $UNKNOWN => "UNKNOWN"); my($TIMEOUT) = 5; my($RETRIES) = 1; my($from,$to) = (0,99999); my(%snmp,$snmp,$resp,$snmperr); my($hostname) = ''; my($vhost) = ''; my($A, $B, $MSG) = ('U','U',''); my($STATUS) = $UNKNOWN; my($MODE) = 0; my($VMID) = -1; # set to -1 if not running my($VMNO) = -1; # set to -1 if not defined my(%lookup) = (); my(%states) = (); my(%tmpnet) = (); my($fa,$sa,$fb,$sb); my(@perf) = (); # for performance stats # For debugging my($DEBUG) = 0; my($SNMPFILE) = "testdata/snmp.txt"; # for test/debug mode only my($VMWARESTATS) = "./vmware-stats -d"; # for test/debug mode only # End use vars qw($opt_C $opt_H $opt_N $opt_M $opt_h $opt_c $opt_t $opt_i $opt_d $opt_w $opt_l $opt_v $opt_r $opt_R $opt_a $opt_V); sub base($) { return '?' if(!$_[0]); return $1 if( $_[0]=~/^(\S+)/ ); return $_[0]; } sub dohelp { print "Usage: $0 [-h] [-v] [-d] -H host [-C community] [-N | -M [-r]]\n"; print " [-l check [-V vhost] [-i interface] [-w warn -c crit]]\n"; print " [-t timeout] [-R retries]\n"; print " -h: just prints this help message\n"; print " -v: just prints the script version number\n"; print " -d: puts the script into debug mode\n"; print " -H host: ESX server machine\n"; print " -C community: the SNMP community string (default is \"public\")\n"; print " -N: Nagios mode (the default); need -w and -c for CPU, MEM\n"; print " -M: MRTG mode (-r specifies rate rather than counter)\n"; print " -l check: can be CPU MEM STATE LIST NET LISTNET (default is LIST)\n"; print " -V virtualhost: restrict probing to that one guest host; required for STATE;\n"; print " if not specified, probes total ESX system statistics\n"; print " -i interface: Only valid for NET\n"; print " -w warn -c crit: Nagios thresholds\n"; print " -t timeout: ([1..60] seconds) for individual SNMP queries\n"; print " -R retries: # of retries ([0..20]) for individual SNMP queries\n"; print "\nFor MRTG,\n"; print " CPU is total seconds (counter) for vhost or total over all if no vhost given.\n"; print " MEM is memory remaining in K.\n"; print " STATE is 1 for up, 0 for down.\n"; print " LIST is number of vhosts.\n"; print " NET is network throughput in bytes for specified vhost and/or interface\n"; print " (total of all if not specified).\n"; print "\nFor Nagios, specify thresholds as follows.\n"; print " CPU is percentage of allocated CPU (for vhosts) and of total CPU (if no vhost).\n"; print " MEM is active memory (for vhosts) or free phys memory (if no vhost) in K or %.\n"; print " STATE is CRITICAL if vhost is down.\n"; print " LIST is WARN if some are down, CRIT is all vhosts are down.\n"; print " NET is bytes/sec since last check, if possible (otherwise UNKNOWN).\n"; print "\nThresholds for MEM or LIST under Nagios, can be in K or %\n"; print " e.g.: -l MEM -w 2048K -c 1024K\n"; print " e.g.: -l MEM -V vhost -w 80% -c 90%\n"; print " e.g.: -l LIST -w 90% -c 0\n"; print " e.g.: -l LIST -w 10 -c 1\n"; print "Thresholds for CPU are in % (the trailing % symbol is optional)\n"; print " e.g.: -l CPU -w 80 -c 90\n"; print "Thresholds for NET are in BYTES/SEC (cannot use %)\n"; exit 0; } sub readstate { return if(! -r $STATEFILE); open STATE, "<$STATEFILE"; flock STATE,1; # read lock while( <STATE> ) { $states{$1}=$2 if( /^(\S+)=(\d+)/ ); } flock STATE,8; # unlock close STATE; } # Big fixes for the race condition from GroundWork sub writestate { my(%new) = @_; if(-r $STATEFILE) { open STATE, "+<$STATEFILE" or do { $A=$B="U"; $MSG="$STATEFILE: $!"; $STATUS=3; &dooutput; }; flock STATE,2; # write lock while( <STATE> ) { $states{$1}=$2 if( /^(\S+)=(\d+)/ ); } } else { open STATE, ">>$STATEFILE" or do { $A=$B="U"; $MSG="$STATEFILE: $!"; $STATUS=3; &dooutput; }; flock STATE,2; # write lock } seek STATE,0,0; # rewind truncate STATE,0; foreach ( keys %new ) { $states{$_} = $new{$_}; } foreach ( keys %states ) { print STATE "$_=".$states{$_}."\n"; } flock STATE,8; # unlock close STATE; } sub dooutput { if( $MODE ) { # MRTG $A = 'U' if(!defined $A); $B = $A if(!defined $B); $MSG = "Returned values: $A, $B\n" if(!$MSG); print "$A\n$B\n\n$MSG\n"; exit 0; } else { # Nagios: now supporting performance stats print "".($VisibleStatus{$STATUS} || "UNKNOWN").": $MSG" .(scalar @perf ? "|" . join(" ",@perf) : ""), "\n"; exit $STATUS; } # should never get here } sub snmpfile($) { my(%resp); my($k) = $_[0]; foreach ( keys %snmp ) { $resp{$_} = $snmp{$_} if( /^$k\./); } return \%resp; } sub makesnmp() { if ($DEBUG and $SNMPFILE) { open SNMP,"<$SNMPFILE" or return; while(<SNMP>) { chomp; if(/^(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+"?([^"]+)/) { $snmp{$1}=$2; } } close SNMP; return; } ($snmp,$snmperr) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname=>$hostname, -community=>$community, -timeout=>$TIMEOUT, -retries=>$RETRIES ); if($snmperr) { $A = $B = 'U'; print "($snmperr)\n" if($DEBUG); $MSG = "Error: $snmperr"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } } ########################################################################### # Read detailed memory and CPU data from extended snmp daemon, if possible my(%stats) = (); my($donereadagent) = 0; sub readagent { return "" if($donereadagent); $MSG = ""; makesnmp() if(!$snmp); if($DEBUG and $VMWARESTATS) { open STATS,"$VMWARESTATS|" or return 0; while( <STATS> ) { # print; chomp; $stats{$1}=$2 if(/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)/); } close STATS; $donereadagent = 1; return 0; } $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>["$UCDOID.2.1"] ); if(!$resp) { # Fall back to the old way return 1; } if( $resp->{"$UCDOID.2.1"} ne 'vmware' ) { $MSG = "Incorrect SNMPD configuration: found '".$resp->{"$UCDOID.2.1"}."' when expected 'vmware'"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; return 1; } $resp = $snmp->get_table( -baseoid=>"$UCDOID.101" ); if(!$resp) { # Fall back to the old way # $MSG = "SNMP error: ".$snmp->error; return 1; } # Convert the retrieved values to lookup hash foreach my $oid ( keys %$resp ) { if(( $oid =~ /\.101\.\d+$/ ) and ( $resp->{$oid}=~/^(\S+)=(.*)$/)) { $stats{$1}=$2; } } $donereadagent = 1; return ""; } ########################################################################### sub getesxversion { print "(snmp lookup)\n" if($DEBUG); makesnmp() if(!$snmp); $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[ "$VMOID.1.2.0" ] ); if(!$resp) { if(readagent) { $MSG = "Error: No VMWare SNMP sub-agent running (vmware-snmpd)" if(!$MSG); $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } if(!$stats{'has-names'}) { $MSG = "Error: No VMWare SNMP sub-agent running (vmware-snmpd)"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } $esx_version = 2; # just a blind assumption } else { $esx_version = $resp->{"$VMOID.1.2.0"}; $esx_version =~ s/\..*//; } } # Read all the VM IDs from the vmware-snmpd MIB sub getvmid { print "(snmp lookup)\n" if($DEBUG); makesnmp() if(!$snmp); if(!readagent and $stats{'has-names'}) { foreach ( keys %stats ) { if( /vhost-(\d+)-name/ ) { $lookup{$1} = $stats{$_}; # id->name $lookup{$stats{$_}} = "vmno-$1" ; # name->dummyOID $lookup{"vmno-$1"} = $1 ; # dummyOID->id } } } else { $resp = $snmp->get_table( -baseoid=>"$VMOID.2.1.1"); if(!$resp) { $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[ "$VMOID.1.1.0" ] ); if(!$resp) { $MSG = "Error: No VMWare SNMP sub-agent running (vmware-snmpd)" if(!$MSG); $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } else { print "No guests are defined on this server\n" if($DEBUG); $MSG = "No guests defined on this server"; return; } } else { foreach my $oid ( keys %$resp ) { $oid =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; if( $1 == 2 ) { $lookup{$resp->{$oid}} = $2; $lookup{$2} = $resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}; $lookup{$resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}} = $resp->{$oid}; $lookup{"vmGuestState-$2"} = $resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}; } } } } return if(!$vhost); # we're just getting the table if(defined $lookup{$vhost}) { $VMNO = $lookup{$vhost}; if( defined $lookup{$VMNO} ) { $VMID = $lookup{$VMNO}; if ( defined $lookup{"vmGuestState-$VMNO"} ) { $vmGuestState = $lookup{"vmGuestState-$VMNO"}; } } else { $STATUS = $CRITICAL; $MSG = "Virtual host $vhost($VMNO) is not running!"; } } else { # lets see if they just gave part of the vhost name? $VMNO = "U"; foreach ( keys %lookup ) { if( /^$vhost/i ) { $VMNO = $lookup{$_}; if( defined $lookup{$VMNO} ) { $VMID = $lookup{$VMNO}; if ( defined $lookup{"vmGuestState-$VMNO"} ) { $vmGuestState = $lookup{"vmGuestState-$VMNO"}; } $vhost = $_; } else { $STATUS = $CRITICAL; $MSG = "Virtual host $vhost($VMNO) is not running!"; } last; } } if($VMNO eq "U") { $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; $MSG = "Virtual host $vhost is not defined!"; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } } print "(hostno=$VMNO, ID=$VMID)\n" if($DEBUG); } sub listvm { my(@vh); %lookup = (); @vh = (); print "(snmp lookup)\n" if($DEBUG); makesnmp() if(!$snmp); if(!readagent and $stats{'has-names'}) { foreach ( keys %stats ) { if( /vhost-(\d+)-name/ ) { $lookup{$1} = $stats{$_}; # id->name $lookup{$stats{$_}} = "vmno-$1" ; # name->dummyOID $lookup{"vmno-$1"} = $1 ; # dummyOID->id push @vh,$stats{$_}; } } } else { $resp = $snmp->get_table( -baseoid=>"$VMOID.2.1.1"); if(!$resp) { if(readagent) { $A = $B = 'U'; $MSG = "Error: No VMWare SNMP sub-agent running (vmware-snmpd)" if(!$MSG); $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } if(!$stats{'has-names'}) { $MSG = "Error: No VMWare SNMP sub-agent running (vmware-snmpd)"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; dooutput; # exit exit(0); } foreach ( keys %stats ) { if( /vhost-(\d+)-name/ ) { $lookup{$1} = $stats{$_}; # id->name $lookup{$stats{$_}} = "vmno-$1" ; # name->dummyOID $lookup{"vmno-$1"} = $1 ; # dummyOID->id push @vh,$stats{$_}; } } } else { foreach my $oid ( sort keys %$resp ) { $oid =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; if( $1 == 2 ) { $lookup{$resp->{$oid}} = $2; push @vh, $resp->{$oid}; } elsif( $esx_version == 2 && $1 == 7 ) { $lookup{$2} = $resp->{$oid}; } elsif( $esx_version == 3 && $1 == 8 ) { $lookup{$2} = $resp->{$oid}; } } } } # stats available $A = $B = 0; foreach ( @vh ) { next if(!$_); $B++; if ( $esx_version == 2 ) { if( defined $lookup{$lookup{$_}} and ($lookup{$lookup{$_}} > 0)) { $_ = (substr $_,0,$TRUNC)."(".$lookup{$lookup{$_}}.")"; $A++; } else { $_ = (substr $_,0,$TRUNC)."(DOWN)"; } } else { # This logic is for ESX 3. #print "$lookup{$lookup{$_}} \n"; if( defined $lookup{$lookup{$_}} and ($lookup{$lookup{$_}} > 0 )) { $_ = (substr $_,0,$TRUNC)."(UP)"; $A++; } else { $_ = (substr $_,0,$TRUNC)."(DOWN)"; } } $_ =~ s/ *\([^\)]+\)(\(.*\))/$1/; } $MSG = "VHosts: $A/$B up: ".(join ", ",@vh); push @perf, "allvms_up_ct=$A;;;0;$B"; push @perf, "allvms_up_pc=". int($A/$B*10000)/100.0 ."%;;;0;100"; $STATUS = $OK; } sub readnet { my($found); if($SNMPFILE and $DEBUG) { $resp = snmpfile("$VMOID.3.4.1"); } else { $resp = $snmp->get_table( -baseoid=>"$VMOID.3.4.1"); } if(!$resp) { $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[ "$VMOID.1.1" ] ); if($resp) { $A = $B = 0; $MSG = "No VHosts defined"; $STATUS = $OK; return; } $MSG = "Error: Unable to retrieve SNMP data"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; return; } foreach my $oid ( keys %$resp ) { $oid =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; # Type, index. if( $1 == 3 ) { $tmpnet{$2} = [ $resp->{$oid}, $resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}, ($resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}*1024), ($resp->{"$VMOID.$2"}*1024) ]; } } return if($opt_l =~ /LIST/); # We now have all the network statistics indexed by card or VMID $A = $B = 0; $found = 0; foreach ( keys %tmpnet ) { if((($VMID<0) or ($VMID == $tmpnet{$_}[0])) # vm matches and ((!$opt_i) or ($opt_i eq $tmpnet{$_}[1]))) { # net matches $A += $tmpnet{$_}[2]; $B += $tmpnet{$_}[3]; $found = 1; } } if(!$found) { $MSG = "No network interfaces exist for "; $MSG .= "vhost $vhost" if($VMID>-1); $MSG .= " and " if($VMID>-1 and $opt_i); $MSG .= " interface $opt_i" if ($opt_i); $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; } } ########################################################################### # Read general memory and CPU data from vmware-snmpd # This is what we do if we can't get the detailed information. sub readcpu { my($k,@k); my($t1,$t2,$a1); $MSG = ""; $A = 0; $B = 0; if( !$MODE or $opt_r ) { readstate; $t1 = $states{"$hostname-CPU-$vhost-time"}; $a1 = $states{"$hostname-CPU-$vhost"}; $t2 = time; } @k = (); if( $VMID < 0 ) { foreach ( keys %lookup ) { push @k, "$VMOID.".$_ if( /^\d+$/ and $_>99); } } else { $k = "$VMOID.$VMID"; @k = ( $k ); } foreach $k ( @k ) { print "(retrieving $k)\n" if($DEBUG); } $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>\@k ); if( $resp ) { if($VMID<0){ $A = 0; foreach ( keys %$resp ) { $A += $resp->{$_}; print "$_: ".$resp->{$_}."\n" if($DEBUG); } } else { $A = $resp->{$k}; } $B = 0; } else { $A = $B = 'U'; if($VMID<0){ $MSG = "Unable to retrieve CPU statistics for ESX server: ".$snmp->error; } else { $MSG = "Unable to retrieve CPU statistics for $vhost: ".$snmp->error; } $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; } if(!$MSG){ # IE, no errors $MSG = "CPU has used $A seconds"; $MSG .= " on $vhost" if($vhost); if( !$MODE or $opt_r ) { writestate( "$hostname-CPU-$vhost"=>$A, "$hostname-CPU-$vhost-time"=>$t2 ) if(!$t1 or ($t2-$t1)>30); if(!$t1 or !$a1 or ($t1 >= $t2) or ( ($t2-$t1)>1000 ) ) { if($vhost) { $MSG = "No saved state for $vhost CPU time yet - please wait for next poll."; } else { $MSG = "No saved state for ESX system CPU time yet - please wait for next poll."; } $A = $B = "U"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; } else { print "Usage: $A-$a1 in $t2-$t1 = ".($A-$a1)." in ".($t2-$t1) if($DEBUG); $A = int((($A - $a1)/($t2 - $t1))*10000)/100; print " = $A\n" if($DEBUG); $B = 0; $MSG = "CPU usage is $A% "; $MSG .= "on $vhost" if($vhost); $MSG .= " (".($t2-$t1)."s average)"; if($A>110 or $A<0) { $B = $A = 0; $MSG = "Error reading CPU usage information." } } } } } sub readmem { my($k1,$k2); if($VMID < 0) { $k1 = "$VMOID."; # Total physical present $k2 = "$VMOID."; # Memory free } else { $k1 = "$VMOID.$VMID"; # VM memory max $k2 = "$VMOID.$VMID"; # VM memory used } print "(retrieving $k1,$k2)\n" if($DEBUG); $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[$k1,$k2] ); if( $resp ) { if($VMID < 0 ) { $A = $resp->{$k2}; $B = $resp->{$k1}; } else { $A = $resp->{$k2}; $B = $resp->{$k1}; $B *= 1024 if($B<10240 or $B<$A); # ESX3 gives it in Kb, ESX2 gives it in Mb (argh!) # we can assume noone has a VM with <10Mb or >10Gb! $A = $B - $A; # memory remaining } } else { $A = $B = 'U'; if($VMID<0) { $MSG = "Unable to retrieve memory statistics for ESX server: ".$snmp->error; } else { $MSG = "Unable to retrieve memory statistics for $vhost: ".$snmp->error; } $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; } } sub readconsolemempc { my($k1,$k2); $k1 = "$VMOID."; # Total physical present (vmwMemory.memSize.0) $k2 = "$VMOID."; # Memory used by console (vmwMemory.memCOS.0) print "(retrieving $k1,$k2)\n" if($DEBUG); $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[$k1,$k2] ); if( $resp ) { return int( $resp->{$k2} / $resp->{$k1} * 10000) / 100.0; } else { return 'U'; } } sub vmavgready { my($c) = 0; my($t) = 0; foreach my $k ( keys %stats ) { if( $k =~ /vhost-.*-cpu-ready-pc/ ) { $c += 1; $t += $stats{$k}; print "$k : ".$stats{$k}."\n" if($DEBUG); } } print "$c vhosts total ready $t, avg is ".($t/$c)."\n" if($DEBUG); return ($c?($t/$c):undef); } sub readrpc { $MSG = ""; $A = 0; $B = 0; $STATUS = 0; if( readagent ) { $A = $B = "U"; print "(readagent failed: $MSG)\n" if($DEBUG); $STATUS = 3 if(!$STATUS); $MSG = "Unable to retrieve statistics" if(!$MSG); dooutput; exit $STATUS; } if( ! $stats{'has-rpc'} ) { $A = $B = "U"; print "(old version agent)\n" if($DEBUG); $STATUS = 3 if(!$STATUS); $MSG = "Remote agent does not support RPC: upgrade to vmware-stats v2.5 or later!"; dooutput; exit $STATUS; } if($vhost) { $A = $stats{"vhost-$VMID-rpc-count"}; $B = $stats{"vhost-$VMID-rpc-rate"}; if(!defined $A) { $A= $B = 'U'; $MSG="Unable to retrieve data"; $STATUS = 3; dooutput; exit 3; } $B = 0 if(!$B); } else { $A = $B = 0; foreach ( keys %stats ) { $A += $stats{$_} if( /-rpc-count/ ); $B += $stats{$_} if( /-rpc-rate/ ); } } } sub readxcpu { my($k,$C); $MSG = ""; $A = 0; $B = 0; $STATUS = 0; if( readagent ) { print "(readagent failed: $MSG)\n" if($DEBUG); readcpu if(!$MSG); # no vmware agent, no error return; } if($vhost) { if ( $esx_version <= 2 ) { $k = "vhost-$VMID"; } else { foreach my $key ( keys %stats ) { if ( $stats{$key} eq $lookup{$lookup{$VMNO}} ) { $key =~ /vhost-(\d+)-name/; $k = "vhost-$1"; last; } } } if ( defined $k ) { $A = $stats{"$k-cpu-used-pc"}; $B = $stats{"$k-cpu-ready-pc"}; } else { $A = undef; $B = undef; } $C = $A; } else { $k = "sys"; if($opt_a) { $A = $stats{"sys-cpu-used-pc"} + $stats{"allvms-cpu-used-pc"} if($stats{"allvms-cpu-used-pc"}); $B = vmavgready(); $C = $B if(defined $B); } else { $A = $stats{"sys-cpu-used-pc"}; $B = $stats{"allvms-cpu-used-pc"}; $C = $A + $B if(defined $A and defined $B); } } if(!defined $A or !defined $B) { $A=$B='U'; $MSG="No saved CPU statistics available - please wait for next poll."; $STATUS = 3; # Fill in some dummy performance data anyway, to keep downstream processes somewhat happy. if ($vhost) { push @perf, "vhost_cpu_used_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_cpu_ready_pc=U%;;;0;100"; } else { push @perf, "sys_cpu_used_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_cpu_used_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "sys_cpu_ready_pc=U%;;;0;100"; } dooutput; exit 3; } if($opt_a) { if($vhost) { $MSG = "vhost CPU used=$A% ready=$B%"; } else { $MSG = "CPU used total=$A% avgvhostreadytime=$B%"; } } else { if($vhost) { $MSG = "vhost CPU used=$A% ready=$B%"; } else { $MSG = "CPU used sys=$A% vhosts=$B% sysreadytime=" .$stats{'sys-cpu-ready-pc'}."%"; } } if($vhost) { $MSG = "vhost CPU used=$A% ready=$B%"; push @perf, "vhost_cpu_used_pc=$A%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_cpu_ready_pc=$B%;;;0;100"; } else { $MSG = "CPU used sys=$A% vhosts=$B% readytime=".$stats{'sys-cpu-ready-pc'}."%"; push @perf, "sys_cpu_used_pc=$A%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_cpu_used_pc=$B%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "sys_cpu_ready_pc=".$stats{'sys-cpu-ready-pc'}."%;;;0;100"; } # MRTG only if($MODE) { dooutput; exit 0; } # Nagios only if(!$vhost and $opt_a) { if($C>=$rcrit) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "Ready time is CRITICAL ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif($C>=$rwarn) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "Ready time is WARNING ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } else { $crit =~ s/[^\d\.]//g; $warn =~ s/[^\d\.]//g; $crit = 100 if(!$crit); $warn = 100 if(!$warn); if( $C >= $crit ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "CPU usage is CRITICAL ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif( $C >= $warn ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "CPU usage is WARNING ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } # Ready time if( $stats{"$k-cpu-ready-pc"} >= $rcrit ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "Ready time is CRITICAL (".$stats{"$k-cpu-ready-pc"}."\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif( $stats{"$k-cpu-ready-pc"} >= $rwarn ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "Ready time is WARNING (".$stats{"$k-cpu-ready-pc"}."\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } if(!$vhost) { # check all vhosts foreach ( keys %lookup ) { next if(!defined $stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-used-pc"}); $C=$stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-used-pc"}; if( $C >= $crit ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "'".base($lookup{$_})."' CPU CRITICAL ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif( $C >= $warn ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "'".base($lookup{$_})."' CPU WARNING ($C\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } if( $stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-ready-pc"} >= $rcrit ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "'".base($lookup{$_})."' Ready time CRITICAL (".$stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-ready-pc"}."\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif( $stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-ready-pc"} >= $rwarn ) { $MSG .= "<BR>" if($MSG); $MSG .= "'".base($lookup{$_})."' Ready time WARNING (".$stats{"vhost-$_-cpu-ready-pc"}."\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } } dooutput; exit 3; # not reached } sub readxmem { my($pc,$max,$k,$memVMID); $MSG = ""; $A = 0; $B = 0; if( readagent() ) { print "(readagent failed: $MSG)\n" if($DEBUG); readmem if(!$MSG); # no vmware agent, no error return; } if( $vhost ) { if ( $esx_version <= 2 ) { $k = "vhost-$VMID"; } else { # for ESX Version 3 foreach my $key ( keys %stats ) { if ( $stats{$key} eq $lookup{$lookup{$VMNO}} ) { $key =~ /vhost-(\d+)-name/; $memVMID = $1 - 1; # why this is off by one, we don't know, but it is $k = "unknown-$memVMID"; last; } } } $A = $stats{"$k-mem-active"}; $B = $stats{"$k-mem-max"}; $max = $stats{"$k-mem-max"}; if(!defined $A or !defined $B) { $A=$B='U'; $MSG="Problem reading memory data on ESX server"; $STATUS=3; push @perf, "vhost_mem_act_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_pvt_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_shr_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_bal_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_swp_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; dooutput; exit 0; } $pc = int($A/$B*10000)/100.0; $MSG = "Memory active: ".int($A/1024000)."Mb ($pc\%) [Total available ".int($B/1024000)."Mb]"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_act_pc=$pc\%;;;0;100"; if($pc>=$crit) { $STATUS=2; $MSG = "CRIT: $MSG"; } elsif($pc>=$warn) { $STATUS=1; $MSG = "WARN: $MSG"; } if($opt_a) { $A = $B = $pc; } } else { $k = "allvms"; # $A = $stats{'mem-avail'}; # $B = $stats{'mem-total'}; $A = $stats{'mem-free'}; $B = $stats{'mem-total'}; $max = $stats{"$k-mem-max"}; if(!defined $A or !defined $B) { $A=$B='U'; $MSG="Problem reading memory data on ESX server."; $STATUS=3; push @perf, "mem_free_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; if ( $esx_version == 3 ) { push @perf, "console_mem_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; } push @perf, "allvms_mem_pvt_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_shr_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_bal_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_swp_pc=U\%;;;0;100"; dooutput; exit 0; } $pc = int($A/$B*10000)/100.0; $MSG = "Memory unreserved: ".int($A/1024000)."Mb ($pc\%) [Total managed ".int($B/1024000)."Mb]"; push @perf, "mem_free_pc=$pc\%;;;0;100"; if ( $esx_version == 3 ) { my ($consolemempc) = readconsolemempc; $MSG .= " [Console=$consolemempc\%]"; push @perf, "console_mem_pc=" . $consolemempc . "\%;;;0;100"; } if($pc<=$crit) { $STATUS=2; $MSG = "CRIT: $MSG"; } elsif($pc<=$warn) { $STATUS=1; $MSG = "WARN: $MSG"; } if($opt_a) { $MSG = "Memory used: ".int(($B-$A)/1024000)."Mb (".(100-$pc)."\%) [Total available ".int($B/1024000)."Mb]"; $A = 100 - $pc; $B = $pc; } } # MRTG if($MODE) { dooutput; exit 0; } # Nagios if($max) { $MSG .= "<BR>Memory split: pvt/shr/bal/swp = " .(int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-private"}/$max)/100.0)."\%/" .(int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-shared"}/$max)/100.0)."\%/" .(int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-balloon"}/$max)/100.0)."\%/" .(int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-swap"}/$max)/100.0)."\%"; if ($vhost) { push @perf, "vhost_mem_pvt_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-private"}/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_shr_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-shared" }/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_bal_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-balloon"}/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_swp_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-swap" }/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; } else { push @perf, "allvms_mem_pvt_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-private"}/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_shr_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-shared" }/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_bal_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-balloon"}/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "allvms_mem_swp_pc=" . (int(10000*$stats{"$k-mem-swap" }/$max)/100.0) . "\%;;;0;100"; } if($stats{"$k-mem-balloon"}) { $pc = int(100000*$stats{"$k-mem-balloon"}/$max)/1000.0; if($pc>=25) { $MSG .= "<BR>CRIT: Balloon drivers in action! ($pc\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif($pc>=0.01) { $MSG .= "<BR>WARN: Balloon drivers in action! ($pc\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } } if($stats{"$k-swap-in-bps"} and $stats{"$k-swap-in-bps"}>10) { if($stats{"$k-swap-in-bps"}>$SWAPINCRIT) { $MSG .= "<BR>CRIT: VMware swapping in action! (".$stats{"$k-swap-in-bps"}."Bps)"; $STATUS = 2; } else { $MSG .= "<BR>WARN: VMware swapping is starting!"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } elsif($max and $stats{"$k-mem-swap"}) { $pc = int(100000*$stats{"$k-mem-swap"}/$max)/1000.0; if($pc>=$SWAPPCCRIT) { $MSG .= "<BR>CRIT: VMWare swap space in use! ($pc\%)"; $STATUS = 2; } elsif($pc>=$SWAPPCWARN) { $MSG .= "<BR>WARN: VMWare swap space in use! ($pc\%)"; $STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2); } } dooutput; exit 3; # not reached } ########################################################################### getopts('vahrdNMH:c:t:V:w:C:l:i:R:'); $hostname = $opt_H if($opt_H); $vhost = $opt_V if($opt_V); $warn = $opt_w if($opt_w); $crit = $opt_c if($opt_c); $TIMEOUT = $opt_t if($opt_t); $RETRIES = $opt_R if($opt_R); $MODE = 1 if($opt_M); $community = $opt_C if($opt_C); $DEBUG = 1 if($opt_d); dohelp if($opt_h); if($opt_v) { print "(did you mean to use -V?) " if($opt_C or $opt_H); print "check_esx version $VERSION\n"; exit 0; } if(!$hostname) { $MSG = "No ESX server hostname specified with -H"; dooutput; exit 0; } if( !$opt_l ) { # $MSG = "You need to specify a command with -l"; # dooutput; # exit 0; $opt_l = "LIST"; } getesxversion; if( $opt_l =~ /LISTNET/i ) { getvmid; $MSG = ""; readnet; if(!$MSG) { my($tk); foreach ( keys %tmpnet ) { if(!$vhost or ($VMID eq $tmpnet{$_}[0]) ) { $tk=$tmpnet{$_}[1]; next if($MSG=~/$tk/); $MSG .= ', ' if($MSG); # $MSG .= $lookup{$tmpnet{$_}[0]}."/" if(!$opt_v); $MSG .= $tk; } } $STATUS = $OK; } dooutput; exit 0; } if( $opt_l =~ /LIST/i ) { listvm; if(!$opt_w) { $warn = $B - 1; } if(!$opt_c) { $crit = 0; } if($warn =~ /(\d+)\%/) { $warn = $B * $1 / 100; } elsif( $warn < 0 ) { $warn = $B - 1; } if($crit =~ /(\d+)\%/) { $crit = $B * $1 / 100; } elsif( $crit < 0 ) { $crit = 0; } $STATUS = $WARNING if($A<=$warn); # If SOME are down $STATUS = $CRITICAL if($A<=$crit); # If NONE are up $STATUS = $OK if(!$B); # No guests at all dooutput; exit 3; } if( $opt_l !~ /NET|CPU|MEM|STAT|RPC/i ) { $MSG = "Bad command $opt_l!"; dooutput; exit 3; } if( $opt_l =~ /MEM|CPU|NET|RPC/ and !$MODE and ($crit<0 or $warn<0)) { $MSG = "Invalid warn/critical thresholds for '$opt_l' (need -w and -c)"; dooutput; exit 3; } # Now, we have host, vhost, community, and command getvmid; # also opens SNMP object if( $opt_l =~ /STAT/i ) { if(!$vhost) { $MSG = "No virtual hostname specified with -v"; dooutput; exit 0; } if( ( $esx_version == 2 && $VMID < 0 ) || ( $esx_version == 3 && $vmGuestState ne "running" ) ) { $STATUS = $CRITICAL; ($A,$B) = (0,0); $MSG = "VHost $vhost is down or undefined."; } else { $STATUS = $OK; ($A,$B) = (1,1); $MSG = "VHost $vhost is up (ID: $VMID)"; } push @perf, "vhost_up=$A;;;0;1"; dooutput; exit 0; } if($vhost and ( $esx_version == 2 && $VMID < 0 || $esx_version == 3 && $vmGuestState ne "running" )) { $STATUS = $CRITICAL; $MSG = "$vhost is not running." if(!$MSG); if( $opt_l =~ /CPU/i ) { # Fill in some dummy performance data anyway, to keep downstream processes happy. push @perf, "vhost_cpu_used_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_cpu_ready_pc=U%;;;0;100"; } if( $opt_l =~ /MEM/i ) { # Fill in some dummy performance data anyway, to keep # downstream processes happy. push @perf, "vhost_mem_act_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_pvt_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_shr_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_bal_pc=U%;;;0;100"; push @perf, "vhost_mem_swp_pc=U%;;;0;100"; } if( $opt_l =~ /NET/i ) { # Fill in some dummy performance data anyway, to keep #downstream processes happy. push @perf, "vhost_net_read=U;;;0"; push @perf, "vhost_net_write=U;;;0"; } dooutput; exit 0; } $STATUS = $OK; if( $opt_l =~ /CPU/i ) { $warn = 70 if(!$opt_w); $crit = 90 if(!$opt_c); $MSG = ""; readxcpu; # attempt to use extended MIB, else use VMWare MIB } elsif( $opt_l =~ /NET/i ) { my($t1,$t2,$a1,$b1); $opt_i = "" if(!defined $opt_i); $vhost = "" if(!defined $vhost); if( !$MODE or $opt_r ) { readstate; $t1 = $states{"$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-time"}; $a1 = $states{"$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-r"}; $b1 = $states{"$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-w"}; $t2 = time; } $MSG = ""; readnet; if(!$MSG){ # IE, no errors $MSG = "Network counters Read=$A Write=$B"; $MSG .= " on $vhost" if($vhost); if( $opt_i ) { if( $vhost ) { $MSG .= '/'; } else { $MSG .= ' on '; } $MSG .= $opt_i; } if( !$MODE or $opt_r ) { writestate( "$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-r"=>$A, "$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-w"=>$B, "$hostname-NET-$vhost-$opt_i-time"=>$t2 ) if(!$t1 or ($t2-$t1)>30); if(!$t1 or (!$a1 and !$b1) or ($t1 >= $t2) or (($t2 - $t1)>3600)) { $MSG = "Gathering network statistics - please wait for next poll."; $A = $B = "U"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; if ($vhost) { push @perf, "vhost_net_read=U;;;0"; push @perf, "vhost_net_write=U;;;0"; } else { push @perf, "allvms_net_read=U;;;0"; push @perf, "allvms_net_write=U;;;0"; } } else { $A = ($A - $a1)/($t2 - $t1); $B = ($B - $b1)/($t2 - $t1); ($fa,$sa,$fb,$sb) = ( $A, "", $B, "" ); if($fa >= 1048576) { $fa /= 1048576; $sa = 'M'; } elsif($fa >= 1024) { $fa /= 1024; $sa = 'K'; } if($fb >= 1048576) { $fb /= 1048576; $sb = 'M'; } elsif($fb >= 1024) { $fb /= 1024; $sb = 'K'; } $fa = int($fa * 100)/100; $fb = int($fb * 100)/100; $MSG = "Network traffic $fa ".$sa."B/s read, $fb ".$sb."B/s write "; $MSG .= "on $vhost" if($vhost); if( $opt_i ) { if( $vhost ) { $MSG .= '/'; } else { $MSG .= 'on '; } $MSG .= $opt_i; } $MSG .= " (".($t2-$t1)."s average)"; if ($vhost) { push @perf, "vhost_net_read=".(int(100*$A)/100.0).";;;0"; push @perf, "vhost_net_write=".(int(100*$B)/100.0).";;;0"; } else { push @perf, "allvms_net_read=".(int(100*$A)/100.0).";;;0"; push @perf, "allvms_net_write=".(int(100*$B)/100.0).";;;0"; } } } } } elsif( $opt_l =~ /MEM/i ) { my($pc,$tot,$av,$sfx); $MSG = ""; if($opt_v) { $warn = 70 if(!$opt_w); $crit = 90 if(!$opt_c); } else { $warn = 30 if(!$opt_w); $crit = 10 if(!$opt_c); } readxmem; if(!$MSG) { $pc = int($A/$B*10000.0)/100.0; $sfx = "Kb"; $av = $A; if($av>2047) { $av = int($av/10.24)/100.0; $sfx="Mb"; } $av .= $sfx; $sfx = "Kb"; $tot = $B; if($tot>2047) { $tot = int($tot/10.24)/100.0; $sfx="Mb"; } $tot .= $sfx; $MSG = "Memory free: $av ($pc\%) [Total available $tot]" ; $MSG .= " on vhost $vhost" if($vhost); } } elsif( $opt_l =~ /RPC/i ) { $MSG = ""; readrpc; if(!$MSG) { $MSG = "RPC calls ".(int($B*100)/100)."/sec (Total: $A)"; } } else { $MSG = "Invalid command $opt_l"; $STATUS = $UNKNOWN; } if( !$MODE and $STATUS==$OK ) { # Set Nagios thresholds if( $opt_l=~/MEM/i and $warn =~ /([\d\.]+)%/ ) { $warn = $B * $1 / 100.0; } elsif( $warn =~ /([\d\.]+)M/i ) { $warn = $1 * 1024; } elsif( $warn =~ /([\d\.]+)/i ) { $warn = $1; } if( $opt_l=~/MEM/i and $crit =~ /([\d\.]+)%/ ) { $crit = $B * $1 / 100.0; } elsif( $crit =~ /([\d\.]+)M/i ) { $crit = $1 * 1024; } elsif( $crit =~ /([\d\.]+)/i ) { $crit = $1; } if( $opt_l =~ /MEM/i ) { print "$A : $warn : $crit \n" if ($DEBUG); $STATUS = $WARNING if( $A <= $warn ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( $A <= $crit ); } elsif( $opt_l =~ /CPU/i ) { $STATUS = $WARNING if( ($A+$B) >= $warn ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( ($A+$B) >= $crit ); } elsif( $opt_l =~ /NET/i ) { $STATUS = $WARNING if( $A >= $warn ); $STATUS = $WARNING if( $B >= $warn ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( $A >= $crit ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( $B >= $crit ); } elsif( $opt_l =~ /RPC/i ) { $STATUS = $WARNING if( $B >= $warn ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( $B >= $crit ); } else { $STATUS = $WARNING if( $A <= $warn ); $STATUS = $CRITICAL if( $A <= $crit ); } } $snmp->close if($snmp);; dooutput; exit 0;