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File otrs.spec of Package otrs32
# -- # This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see # the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you # did not receive this file, see # -- # Summary: The Open Ticket Request System Name: otrs Version: 3.2.18 License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Group: Applications/Mail URL: Requires: perl perl-DBI mysql perl-libwww-perl Requires: perl(URI) perl(Date::Format) perl(Net::DNS) perl(IO::Socket::SSL) perl(XML::Parser) %if 0%{?suse_version} %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 BuildRequires: fdupes %endif Requires: perl-GD perl-GDGraph perl-GDTextUtil perl-Net-DNS perl-Digest-MD5 apache2 apache2-mod_perl mysql-client Requires: perl-Msql-Mysql-modules mysql-shared procmail BuildRequires: apache2 apache2-devel pwdutils PreReq: pwdutils %define _apxs /usr/sbin/apxs2 %define _apausr wwwrun %define _apagrp www %define _otrsusr otrs %define _otrsgrp nogroup %define _initdir /etc/init.d %endif %if 0%{?fedora_version} || 0%{?centos_version} || 0%{?rhel_version} Requires: perl-URI mod_perl httpd mysql mysql-server procmail BuildRequires: httpd httpd-devel shadow-utils PreReq: shadow-utils %define _apxs /usr/sbin/apxs %define _apausr apache %define _apagrp apache %define _otrsusr otrs %define _otrsgrp apache %define _initdir /etc/rc.d/init.d %endif %define _apaconfdir %(%{_apxs} -q sysconfdir)/conf.d/ Autoreqprov: no Release: 1 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: %{name}-suse-init.diff BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description The Open Ticket Request System ( is a web based ticket system. Feedback: Authors: -------- Carsten Gross <carsten at> Christian Schoepplein <cs at> Franz Breu <breu.franz at> Fred van Dijk <fvandijk at> Lars MueLLER <lars at> Nicolas Goralski <ngoralski at> Richard Kammermayer <rk at> Stefan Rother <sr at> Thomas Raith <tr at> Vladimir Gerdjikov <gerdjikov at> Martin Edenhofer <me at> OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS 10.x. Do you receive many e-mails and want to answer them with a team of agents? You're going to love the OTRS! Feature list: Web-Interface: - Agent web interface for viewing and working on all customer requests - Admin web interface for changing system things - Customer web interface for viewing and sending infos to the agents - Webinterface with themes support - Multi language support (Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian and Spanish) - customize the output templates (dtl) release independently - Webinterface with attachment support - easy and logical to use Email-Interface: - PGP support - SMIME support - MIME support (attachments) - dispatching of incoming email via email addess or x-header - autoresponders for customers by incoming emails (per queue) - email-notification to the agent by new tickets, follow ups or lock timeouts Ticket: - custom queue view and queue view of all requests - Ticket locking - Ticket replies (standard responses) - Ticket autoresponders per queue - Ticket history, evolution of ticket status and actions taken on ticket - abaility to add notes (with different note types) to a ticket - Ticket zoom feature - Tickets can be bounced or forwarded to other email addresses - Ticket can be moved to a different queue (this is helpful if emails are for a specific subject) - Ticket priority - Ticket time accounting - Ticket merge feature - Ticket ACL support - content Fulltext search System: - creation and configuration of user accounts, and groups - creation of standard responses - Signature configuration per queue - Salutation configuration per queue - email-notification of administrators - email-notification sent to problem reporter (by create, locked, deleted, moved and closed) - submitting update-info (via email or webinterface). - deadlines for trouble tickets - ASP (activ service providing) support - TicketHook free setable like 'Call#', 'MyTicket#', 'Request#' or 'Ticket#' - Ticket number format free setable - different levels of permissions/access-rights. - central database, Support of different SQL databases (e. g. MySQL, PostgeSQL, ...) - user authentication agains database or ldap directory - easy to develope you own addon's (OTRS API) - easy to write different frontends (e. g. X11, console, ...) - own package manager (e. g. for application modules like webmail, calendar or filemanager) - a fast and useful application %if 0%{?suse_version} < 900 SuSE series: ap %endif %prep %setup %patch0 %build # copy config file cp Kernel/ Kernel/ cd Kernel/Config/ && for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done && cd ../../ # copy all crontab dist files for foo in var/cron/*.dist; do mv $foo var/cron/`basename $foo .dist`; done # copy all .dist files cp .procmailrc.dist .procmailrc cp .fetchmailrc.dist .fetchmailrc cp .mailfilter.dist .mailfilter %install # delete old RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # set DESTROOT export DESTROOT="/opt/otrs/" # create RPM_BUILD_ROOT DESTROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DESTROOT/ # copy files cp -R . $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DESTROOT # install init-Script and rc.config entry %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir} %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir} %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig %if 0%{?suse_version} %__install -d -m 744 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates %endif %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_apaconfdir} %if 0%{?suse_version} # replace apache with apache2 sed "s/rcapache/rcapache2/" scripts/suse-rcotrs-config > /tmp.otrs.$$ && mv /tmp.otrs.$$ scripts/suse-rcotrs-config sed "s/apache/apache2/" scripts/suse-rcotrs > /tmp.otrs.$$ && mv /tmp.otrs.$$ scripts/suse-rcotrs %__install -D -m 644 scripts/suse-rcotrs-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.otrs %__install -m 755 scripts/suse-rcotrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir}/otrs rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/otrs rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs/scripts/suse-rcotrs.orig ln -s ../../etc/init.d/otrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/rcotrs %else %__install -m 755 scripts/redhat-rcotrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir}/otrs %__install -m 644 scripts/redhat-rcotrs-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/otrs %endif %__install -m 644 scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_apaconfdir}/otrs.conf %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs %endif # set permission useradd %{_otrsusr} || : #$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} %{_apausr} %{_otrsgrp} %{_apagrp} || : $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs/bin/ --otrs-user=%{_otrsusr} --web-user=%{_apausr} --otrs-group=%{_otrsgrp} --web-group=%{_apagrp} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs || : %pre # remember about the installed version if test -e /opt/otrs/RELEASE; then cat /opt/otrs/RELEASE|grep VERSION|sed 's/VERSION = //'|sed 's/ /-/g' > /tmp/otrs-old.tmp fi # useradd echo -n "Check OTRS user (/etc/passwd)... " if cat /etc/passwd | grep %{_otrsusr} > /dev/null ; then echo "%{_otrsusr} exists." # update groups usermod -g %{_otrsgrp} %{_otrsusr} # update home dir usermod -d /opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} else useradd %{_otrsusr} -d /opt/otrs/ -s /bin/false -g %{_otrsgrp} -c 'OTRS System User' && echo "%{_otrsusr} added." fi %post %if 0%{?suse_version} # sysconfig %{fillup_and_insserv} %endif # if it's a major-update backup old version templates (maybe not compatible!) if test -e /tmp/otrs-old.tmp; then TOINSTALL=`echo %{version}| sed 's/..$//'` OLDOTRS=`cat /tmp/otrs-old.tmp` if echo $OLDOTRS | grep -v "$TOINSTALL" > /dev/null; then echo "backup old (maybe not compatible) templates (of $OLDOTRS)" for i in /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/*.rpmnew; do BF=`echo $i|sed 's/.rpmnew$//'`; mv -v $BF $BF.backup_maybe_not_compat_to.$OLDOTRS; mv $i $BF; done fi rm -rf /tmp/otrs-old.tmp fi # OTRS 2.0 -> OTRS 2.1 # remove old ticket config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ fi; # remove old ticket postmaster config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; fi # remove old faq config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; fi #/opt/otrs/bin/ /opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} %{_apausr} %{_otrsgrp} %{_apagrp} /opt/otrs/bin/ --otrs-user=%{_otrsusr} --web-user=%{_apausr} --otrs-group=%{_otrsgrp} --web-group=%{_apagrp} /opt/otrs # note HOST=`hostname -f` echo "" echo "Next steps: " echo "" %if 0%{?suse_version} echo "[SuSEconfig]" echo " Execute 'SuSEconfig' to configure the webserver." %else echo "[mysqld service]" echo " Start mysqld 'service mysqld start'" %endif echo "" echo "[start Apache and MySQL]" echo " Execute 'rcapache2 restart' and 'rcmysql start' in case they don't run." echo "" echo "[install the OTRS database]" echo " Use a webbrowser and open this link:" echo " http://$HOST/otrs/" echo "" echo "[OTRS services]" %if 0%{?suse_version} echo " Start OTRS 'rcotrs start-force' (rcotrs {start|stop|status|restart|start-force|stop-force})." %else echo " Start OTRS 'service otrs start' (service otrs {start|stop|status|restart)." %endif echo "" echo "((enjoy))" echo "" echo " Your OTRS Team" echo "" echo "" %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %if 0%{?suse_version} /var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.otrs %else %config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/otrs %endif %config %{_apaconfdir}/otrs.conf %{_initdir}/otrs %if 0%{?suse_version} %{_sbindir}/rcotrs %endif %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ ##%config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/log/TicketCounter.log %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.procmailrc %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.fetchmailrc %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.mailfilter %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/*.dtl %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/ProcessManagement/*.dtl %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Language/*.pm %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/cron/* %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/logo-otrs.png %dir /opt/otrs/ %dir /opt/otrs/Custom /opt/otrs/Custom/README /opt/otrs/RELEASE /opt/otrs/ARCHIVE /opt/otrs/.procmailrc.dist /opt/otrs/.fetchmailrc.dist /opt/otrs/.mailfilter.dist %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Language/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Modules* %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/ProcessManagement/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/*.pm /opt/otrs/Kernel/System* /opt/otrs/bin* /opt/otrs/scripts* %dir /opt/otrs/var/ /opt/otrs/var/httpd/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/log/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/sessions/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/cron/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/packages /opt/otrs/var/packages/Support-*.opm /opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib* %dir /opt/otrs/var/stats /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilEscalationDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilResponseDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilSolutionDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTheMostTimeConsumingTickets.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedLastMonth.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedSortedByResponseTime.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedSortedBySolutionTime.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsCreatedLastMonth.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.NewTickets.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.StatusActionOverview.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.TicketOverview.en.xml %dir /opt/otrs/var/fonts /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf /opt/otrs/var/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf %doc /opt/otrs/INSTAL* %doc /opt/otrs/COPYING %doc /opt/otrs/READM* %doc /opt/otrs/doc* %doc /opt/otrs/COPYING-Third-Party %doc /opt/otrs/ %doc /opt/otrs/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Event /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Event/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Invoker %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Invoker/Test /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Invoker/Test/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Invoker/Test/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Mapping /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Mapping/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Mapping/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Session /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Session/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Session/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Test /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Test/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Ticket/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Scheduler /opt/otrs/Kernel/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Scheduler/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Scheduler/TaskHandler /opt/otrs/Kernel/Scheduler/TaskHandler/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Scheduler/TaskHandler/ %changelog