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File otrs.spec of Package otrs3 (Revision 2)
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# -- # This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see # the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you # did not receive this file, see # -- # Summary: The Open Ticket Request System Name: otrs Version: 3.0.5 License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Group: Applications/Mail URL: Requires: perl perl-DBI mysql perl-libwww-perl %if 0%{?suse_version} %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 BuildRequires: fdupes %endif Requires: perl-GD perl-GDGraph perl-GDTextUtil perl-Net-DNS perl-Digest-MD5 apache2 apache2-mod_perl mysql-client Requires: perl-Msql-Mysql-modules mysql-shared procmail BuildRequires: apache2 apache2-devel pwdutils PreReq: pwdutils %define _apxs /usr/sbin/apxs2 %define _apausr wwwrun %define _apagrp www %define _otrsusr otrs %define _otrsgrp nogroup %define _initdir /etc/init.d %endif %if 0%{?fedora_version} || 0%{?centos_version} || 0%{?rhel_version} Requires: perl-URI mod_perl httpd mysql mysql-server procmail BuildRequires: httpd httpd-devel shadow-utils PreReq: shadow-utils %define _apxs /usr/sbin/apxs %define _apausr apache %define _apagrp apache %define _otrsusr otrs %define _otrsgrp apache %define _initdir /etc/rc.d/init.d %endif %define _apaconfdir %(%{_apxs} -q sysconfdir)/conf.d/ Autoreqprov: on Release: 1 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: %{name}-suse-init.diff BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description The Open Ticket Request System ( is a web based ticket system. Feedback: Authors: -------- Carsten Gross <carsten at> Christian Schoepplein <cs at> Franz Breu <breu.franz at> Fred van Dijk <fvandijk at> Lars MueLLER <lars at> Nicolas Goralski <ngoralski at> Richard Kammermayer <rk at> Stefan Rother <sr at> Thomas Raith <tr at> Vladimir Gerdjikov <gerdjikov at> Martin Edenhofer <me at> OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS 10.x. Do you receive many e-mails and want to answer them with a team of agents? You're going to love the OTRS! Feature list: Web-Interface: - Agent web interface for viewing and working on all customer requests - Admin web interface for changing system things - Customer web interface for viewing and sending infos to the agents - Webinterface with themes support - Multi language support (Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian and Spanish) - customize the output templates (dtl) release independently - Webinterface with attachment support - easy and logical to use Email-Interface: - PGP support - SMIME support - MIME support (attachments) - dispatching of incoming email via email addess or x-header - autoresponders for customers by incoming emails (per queue) - email-notification to the agent by new tickets, follow ups or lock timeouts Ticket: - custom queue view and queue view of all requests - Ticket locking - Ticket replies (standard responses) - Ticket autoresponders per queue - Ticket history, evolution of ticket status and actions taken on ticket - abaility to add notes (with different note types) to a ticket - Ticket zoom feature - Tickets can be bounced or forwarded to other email addresses - Ticket can be moved to a different queue (this is helpful if emails are for a specific subject) - Ticket priority - Ticket time accounting - Ticket merge feature - Ticket ACL support - content Fulltext search System: - creation and configuration of user accounts, and groups - creation of standard responses - Signature configuration per queue - Salutation configuration per queue - email-notification of administrators - email-notification sent to problem reporter (by create, locked, deleted, moved and closed) - submitting update-info (via email or webinterface). - deadlines for trouble tickets - ASP (activ service providing) support - TicketHook free setable like 'Call#', 'MyTicket#', 'Request#' or 'Ticket#' - Ticket number format free setable - different levels of permissions/access-rights. - central database, Support of different SQL databases (e. g. MySQL, PostgeSQL, ...) - user authentication agains database or ldap directory - easy to develope you own addon's (OTRS API) - easy to write different frontends (e. g. X11, console, ...) - own package manager (e. g. for application modules like webmail, calendar or filemanager) - a fast and useful application %if 0%{?suse_version} < 900 SuSE series: ap %endif %prep %setup %patch0 %build # copy config file cp Kernel/ Kernel/ cd Kernel/Config/ && for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done && cd ../../ # copy all crontab dist files for foo in var/cron/*.dist; do mv $foo var/cron/`basename $foo .dist`; done # copy all .dist files cp .procmailrc.dist .procmailrc cp .fetchmailrc.dist .fetchmailrc cp .mailfilter.dist .mailfilter %install # delete old RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # set DESTROOT export DESTROOT="/opt/otrs/" # create RPM_BUILD_ROOT DESTROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DESTROOT/ # copy files cp -R . $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DESTROOT # install init-Script and rc.config entry %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir} %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir} %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig %if 0%{?suse_version} %__install -d -m 744 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates %endif %__install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_apaconfdir} %if 0%{?suse_version} # replace apache with apache2 sed "s/rcapache/rcapache2/" scripts/suse-rcotrs-config > /tmp.otrs.$$ && mv /tmp.otrs.$$ scripts/suse-rcotrs-config sed "s/apache/apache2/" scripts/suse-rcotrs > /tmp.otrs.$$ && mv /tmp.otrs.$$ scripts/suse-rcotrs %__install -D -m 644 scripts/suse-rcotrs-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.otrs %__install -m 755 scripts/suse-rcotrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir}/otrs rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/otrs ln -s ../../etc/init.d/otrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/rcotrs %else %__install -m 755 scripts/redhat-rcotrs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initdir}/otrs %__install -m 644 scripts/redhat-rcotrs-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/otrs %endif %__install -m 644 scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_apaconfdir}/otrs.conf %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs %endif # set permission useradd %{_otrsusr} || : $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs/bin/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} %{_apausr} %{_otrsgrp} %{_apagrp} || : %pre # remember about the installed version if test -e /opt/otrs/RELEASE; then cat /opt/otrs/RELEASE|grep VERSION|sed 's/VERSION = //'|sed 's/ /-/g' > /tmp/otrs-old.tmp fi # useradd echo -n "Check OTRS user (/etc/passwd)... " if cat /etc/passwd | grep %{_otrsusr} > /dev/null ; then echo "%{_otrsusr} exists." # update groups usermod -g %{_otrsgrp} %{_otrsusr} # update home dir usermod -d /opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} else useradd %{_otrsusr} -d /opt/otrs/ -s /bin/false -g %{_otrsgrp} -c 'OTRS System User' && echo "%{_otrsusr} added." fi %post %if 0%{?suse_version} # sysconfig %{fillup_and_insserv} %endif # if it's a major-update backup old version templates (maybe not compatible!) if test -e /tmp/otrs-old.tmp; then TOINSTALL=`echo %{version}| sed 's/..$//'` OLDOTRS=`cat /tmp/otrs-old.tmp` if echo $OLDOTRS | grep -v "$TOINSTALL" > /dev/null; then echo "backup old (maybe not compatible) templates (of $OLDOTRS)" for i in /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/*.rpmnew; do BF=`echo $i|sed 's/.rpmnew$//'`; mv -v $BF $BF.backup_maybe_not_compat_to.$OLDOTRS; mv $i $BF; done fi rm -rf /tmp/otrs-old.tmp fi # OTRS 2.0 -> OTRS 2.1 # remove old ticket config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ fi; # remove old ticket postmaster config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; fi # remove old faq config file if test -e /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; then mv /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/; fi /opt/otrs/bin/ /opt/otrs %{_otrsusr} %{_apausr} %{_otrsgrp} %{_apagrp} # note HOST=`hostname -f` echo "" echo "Next steps: " echo "" %if 0%{?suse_version} echo "[SuSEconfig]" echo " Execute 'SuSEconfig' to configure the webserver." %else echo "[mysqld service]" echo " Start mysqld 'service mysqld start'" %endif echo "" echo "[start Apache and MySQL]" echo " Execute 'rcapache2 restart' and 'rcmysql start' in case they don't run." echo "" echo "[install the OTRS database]" echo " Use a webbrowser and open this link:" echo " http://$HOST/otrs/" echo "" echo "[OTRS services]" %if 0%{?suse_version} echo " Start OTRS 'rcotrs start-force' (rcotrs {start|stop|status|restart|start-force|stop-force})." %else echo " Start OTRS 'service otrs start' (service otrs {start|stop|status|restart)." %endif echo "" echo "((enjoy))" echo "" echo " Your OTRS Team" echo "" echo "" %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %if 0%{?suse_version} /var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.otrs %else %config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/otrs %endif %config %{_apaconfdir}/otrs.conf %{_initdir}/otrs %if 0%{?suse_version} %{_sbindir}/rcotrs %endif %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ ##%config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/log/TicketCounter.log %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.procmailrc %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.fetchmailrc %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/.mailfilter %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/*.dtl ##%config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Lite/*.dtl %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/Kernel/Language/*.pm %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/cron/* %config(noreplace) /opt/otrs/var/logo-otrs.png %dir /opt/otrs/ %dir /opt/otrs/Custom /opt/otrs/Custom/README /opt/otrs/RELEASE /opt/otrs/ARCHIVE /opt/otrs/.procmailrc.dist /opt/otrs/.fetchmailrc.dist /opt/otrs/.mailfilter.dist %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Language/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Modules* %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/ %dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/ ##%dir /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/Lite/ /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/*.pm /opt/otrs/Kernel/System* /opt/otrs/bin* /opt/otrs/scripts* %dir /opt/otrs/var/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/article/ /opt/otrs/var/httpd/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/log/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/sessions/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/spool/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/cron/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/tmp/ ##%dir /opt/otrs/var/pics ##%dir /opt/otrs/var/pics/stats/ %dir /opt/otrs/var/packages /opt/otrs/var/packages/Support-*.opm /opt/otrs/var/packages/iPhoneHandle-*.opm /opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib* %dir /opt/otrs/var/stats /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilEscalationDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilResponseDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfOpenTicketsSortedByTimeLeftUntilSolutionDeadlineExpires.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTheMostTimeConsumingTickets.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedLastMonth.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedSortedByResponseTime.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsClosedSortedBySolutionTime.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/ListOfTicketsCreatedLastMonth.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.NewTickets.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.StatusActionOverview.en.xml /opt/otrs/var/stats/ /opt/otrs/var/stats/Stats.TicketOverview.en.xml %doc /opt/otrs/INSTAL* %doc /opt/otrs/UPGRADING %doc /opt/otrs/TODO %doc /opt/otrs/COPYING %doc /opt/otrs/CHANGES %doc /opt/otrs/READM* %doc /opt/otrs/doc* %doc /opt/otrs/CREDITS %doc /opt/otrs/COPYING-Third-Party %changelog * Tue Jan 18 2011 Carsten Schoene <> - 3.0.5-1 - update to release 3.0.5 * Mon Nov 22 2010 Carsten Schoene <> - 3.0.2-1 - update to release 3.0.2 * Wed Oct 27 2010 Carsten Schoene <> - 2.4.9-1 - update to release 2.4.9 * Tue Apr 20 2010 Carsten Schoene <> - 2.4.7-1 - update to release 2.4.7 * Sun Sep 13 2009 Carsten Schoene <> - 2.4.4-1 - new release 2.4.4 * Fri Aug 14 2009 Carsten Schoene <> - 2.4.3-1 - new release 2.4.3 * Thu Jul 30 2009 Carsten Schoene <> - 2.4.2-1 - new release 2.4.2 * Fri Jan 01 2009 Carsten Schoene <> - new release 2.3.4 # Updated Chinese translation, thanks to Never Min! # New Support Assessment module included - The integrated Support Assessment tool allows you to check relevant Installation and configuration settings in order to optimize your OTRS. Therefor the integrated module checks several system components e.g. database, operating system, webserver and OTRS itself. # Bug #3459 - Tickets in the state "pending" were not escalated but were shown in the escalation overview with a false timestamp calculation (34512 days). # Bug #3367 - Escalation of a first response was not stopped by an external notification (which was working in OTRS 2.2.x). # Bug #2730 - Sending mails to MS Exchange Server 2007 failed with Message: "Bad file descriptor!". It was a network connection issues. Added a workaround to force the system trying to send it 3 times before giving up. * Mon Nov 10 2008 Carsten Schoene <> - new release 2.3.3 # Bug #3314 - Escalation time was not updated correctly. # Bug #3251 - Was not able to fetch emails via POP3s (Can't connect to) from gmail or MS Exchange mailboxes. # Bug #3261 - Agent got escalation notifications in his web interface for tickets with read-only permission. (normally read/write permission is required to receive an escalation notification). # Bug #3158 - Tickets in a pending state escalated although The escalation time should have been set out. # Bug #3315 - GenericAgent was not working with pending time options. An error log message got logged, the job was not executed. * Tue Sep 30 2008 Carsten Schoene <> - new release 2.3.2 # Bug #3139 - Queue updates in the admin interface were not working with Oracle, Postgres and DB2 data bases. # Bug #3076 - Ticket escalations based on update time were not working properly as the probably were ignored. # Bug #3064 - Java Script Error appeared in phone and email ticket screen when "Internet Explorer 7" was used. # Bug #3219 - It's not possible to use cache (TTL) feature for CustomerUser backends between 1-10. # Bug #3216 - Customer Ticket search in customer panel returns links to internal articles. No permission screen appears. # Bug #3198 - ACL is not working for services pull down in Customer Panel for creating new tickets. - details of 2.3.1 release * Data base- & code-improvements increase lead to a general performance gain of up to 20%. * The support of an indexed full text search has been added. The feature is disabled per default because additional disc space is needed. The expected performance gain is 50%. * Reduced reloads by using AJAX technology * Instead of an ongoing recalculating of the escalation time during the run time, it is only recalculated when it changes due to an event in OTRS. It is then being stored in the ticket object which allows a direct access of external reporting tools to the data base as well as a more efficient reporting on escalations. This will also lead into a substantial performance improvement. * Support of logical expressions: ticket-, customer- and FAQ- search supports logical expressions, utilizing the AND, OR and ! operators as well as structuring expressions with parentheses. * Search for ticket numbers by using the Browser OpenSearch feature (OpenSearch format). * Search for ticket titles in the agent ticket search form and in the generic agent. * Search for ticket close time in the agent ticket search form and in the generic agent. * Expand/Collapse of articles: the article view can be expanded to display all articles at once. The current article will remain in focus, and the preceding, or following articles will be displayed. * Structured article tree - The article tree has been changed to a table. * Printing of articles has been realized. * The ticket title of linked tickets are displayed in case of a mouse over action. * Merged tickets are displayed crossed out. * Multiple files can be attached while moving a ticket using the ticket move mask. * When splitting a ticket, all FreeText and Free Time data will be copied to the new ticket. * Ticket Free Time fields can be declared as mandatory. * A URL can be configured that takes the value of a FreeText Field and displays it as an URL link in the ticket. * Added X-OTRS-TicketTime and X-OTRS-FollowUp-TicketTime. * With OTRS 2.3 IMAP, IMAPS, and POP3S is supported to fetch mails from your MTA. * In case of a lost password, OTRS is sending an e-mail to the user with a "password reset link". After clicking this link the new password is sent to the user in a second e-mail. * All agents that have a read permission on a certain queue can be selected for notification. * An escalation view has been added that displays all tickets sorted by their remaining time to escalation. - changes in 2.3.0 rc1 # Added Ingres 2006 R3 database experimental support. # Updated norwegian translation, thanks to Fredrik Andersen! # Updated finish translation, thanks to Mikko Hynninen! # Updated catalonian translation, thanks to Antonio Linde! # Updated french translation, thanks to Yann Richard! # Updated persian translation, thanks to Amir Shams Parsa! # Fixed Bug #2712 - Emails of a POP3 or IMAP box got deleted/lost independently of their actual processing status. A safety check has been implemented, that prevents e-Mails from getting lost. # Fixed Bug #3098 - Ticket number search in the new link mask does'nt work correctly. '*' at the beginning and the end of a search string was added automatically. # Fixed Bug #3012 - Statistic module was probably not accessible. It failed with a message "Got no UserLanguage". # Fixed Bug #3066 - Login after initial setup sometimes failed. The new CPAN module XML::Parser::Lite crashed if XML::Parser was'nt installed, so the creation of config files (based on XML files) were denied. - changes in 2.3.0 beta4 # Fixed bug #3053 - AJAX functionality within the ticket interface wasn't working properly when the cookies support was disabled in the browser. # Fixed bug #3046 - Creating a new Phone- or Email-Ticket in the agent interface required to click twice on the "create" botton. # Fixed bug #3047 - Once assigned it wasn't possible to reset services and slas to the option >none< in the AgentTicketNote screen. # Fixed bug #2960 - OTRS update script "scripts/" failed if there existed no config file ( The script now creates a new file if there is no existing config file ( found. # Fixed bug #3029 - Search results in the agent interface of linkable objects were not sorted correctly. # Fixed bug #3030 - If the same linked ticket was linked again the user didn't get the intended error message in the web interface. # Fixed bug #3034 - The "Article sort order" in the Ticket Zoom screen wasn't working properly while using the new Expand/Collapse feature. # Fixed bug #3059 - New ticket fulltext search feature wasn't working properly because of a missing "article_search" table in *.sql create scripts. - changes in 2.3.0 beta3 # Fixed bug# 1565 - A responsible Agent wasn't updated when a new phone or e-mail ticket was created. # Fixed bug# 2957 - Merged ticket wasn't shown as 'canceled' in the linked objects table. # Fixed bug# 2969 - Users were unable to pass the login screen, error message: 'undefined value as a HASH reference at Kernel/System/Ticket/ IndexAccelerator/ line 57'. # Fixed bug# 2979 - Agents were unable to work on tickets, even with rw permissions error message: "no permission". # Fixed bug# 2980 - Every time when IMAP or IMAPs was executed, Agents got a cron email (message: 'use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at') # Fixed bug# 3005 - AJAX functionality in the phone and email ticket mask wasn't working for Service and SLAs. * Mon May 12 2008 Carsten Schoene <> - modified for cross-distribution build * Thu Oct 18 2006 - - added rename of old /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/(Ticket|TicketPostMaster|FAQ).pm files * Sun Mar 25 2006 - - added SUSE 10.0 support