Changed |
Changed |
Changed |
@@ -17,19 +17,3 @@
expect -re $prompt {}
} else {
---- lib/foundry.pm.in.orig 2015-05-29 15:24:49.881449738 +0200
-+++ lib/foundry.pm.in 2015-05-29 17:12:23.678241627 +0200
-@@ -355,7 +355,12 @@
- return(1);
- }
- }
-- return(0);
-+ if ( $devtype eq "brocadevdx" ) {
-+ $found_end = 1;
-+ return(1);
-+ } else {
-+ return(0);
-+ }
- }
- 1;
Added |
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+--- lib/brocadevdx.pm.in.orig 2016-09-10 02:02:33.289414464 +0200
++++ lib/brocadevdx.pm.in 2016-09-10 02:19:59.648346737 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
++package brocadevdx;
++## $Id: foundry.pm.in 3424 2016-07-12 14:43:44Z heas $
++# RANCID - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
++# foundry.pm - Foundry rancid procedures
++use 5.010;
++use strict 'vars';
++use warnings;
++no warnings 'uninitialized';
++our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
++use rancid @VERSION@;
++@ISA = qw(Exporter rancid main);
++#XXX @Exporter::EXPORT = qw($VERSION @commandtable %commands @commands);
++# load-time initialization
++sub import {
++ 0;
++# post-open(collection file) initialization
++sub init {
++ # add content lines and separators
++ ProcessHistory("","","","!RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: $devtype\n!\n");
++ 0;
++# main loop of input of device output
++sub inloop {
++ my($INPUT, $OUTPUT) = @_;
++ my($cmd, $rval);
++TOP: while(<$INPUT>) {
++ tr/\015//d;
++ if (/^Error:/) {
++ print STDOUT ("$host flogin error: $_");
++ print STDERR ("$host flogin error: $_") if ($debug);
++ $clean_run = 0;
++ last;
++ }
++ while (/[>#]\s*($cmds_regexp)\s*$/) {
++ $cmd = $1;
++ # Some devices can give an error that looks a lot like a prompt
++ # for deprecated commands like "write term". Ignore that.
++ if (/^invalid input -> /i) {
++ print STDERR ("Ignoring invalid command: $cmd\n") if ($debug);
++ last;
++ }
++ if (!defined($prompt)) {
++ $prompt = ($_ =~ /^([^#]+#)/)[0];
++ $prompt =~ s/([][}{)(\\])/\\$1/g;
++ print STDERR ("PROMPT MATCH: $prompt\n") if ($debug);
++ }
++ print STDERR ("HIT COMMAND:$_") if ($debug);
++ if (! defined($commands{$cmd})) {
++ print STDERR "$host: found unexpected command - \"$cmd\"\n";
++ $clean_run = 0;
++ last TOP;
++ }
++ if (! defined(&{$commands{$cmd}})) {
++ printf(STDERR "$host: undefined function - \"%s\"\n",
++ $commands{$cmd});
++ $clean_run = 0;
++ last TOP;
++ }
++ $rval = &{$commands{$cmd}}($INPUT, $OUTPUT, $cmd);
++ delete($commands{$cmd});
++ if ($rval == -1) {
++ $clean_run = 0;
++ last TOP;
++ }
++ }
++ if (/\#exit$/) {
++ $clean_run = 1;
++ last;
++ }
++ }
++# This routine parses "show version"
++sub ShowVersion {
++ my($INPUT, $OUTPUT) = @_;
++ my($slot);
++ print STDERR " In ShowVersion: $_" if ($debug);
++ while (<$INPUT>) {
++ tr/\015//d;
++ next if /^\s*$/;
++ last if (/^$prompt/);
++ next if (/^(The system |Crash time)/);
++ next if (/^(System|(Active|Standby) Management|LP Slot \d+|Switch Fabric Module \d+) (uptime|Up Time) is/);
++ # remove uptime on newer switches
++ s/(STACKID \d+)\s+system uptime is.*$/$1/;
++ s/^\s*(HW|SW)/$1/;
++ s/^\s*(Compiled on)/SW: $1/;
++ s/^\s*(\(\d+ bytes\) from )/SW: $1/;
++ #s/^(HW.*)/$1\n/;
++ if (/^SL (\d+)/) {
++ $slot = "Slot $1";
++ s/^SL \d+/$slot/;
++ }
++ if (/MHz .* processor/) {
++ $slot = "MGMT";
++ }
++ s/^(\s*\d+ )/$slot:$1/;
++ s/^===*//;
++ ProcessHistory("VERSION","","","!$_");
++ }
++ ProcessHistory("VERSION","","","!\n");
++ return(0);
++# This routine parses "show chassis"
++sub ShowChassis {
++ my($INPUT, $OUTPUT) = @_;
++ my($skip) = 0;
++ print STDERR " In ShowChassis: $_" if ($debug);
++ while (<$INPUT>) {
++ tr/\015//d;
++ last if (/^$prompt/);
++ next if (/ from /);
++ next if (/current temperature/i);
++ return(1) if (/^\s+\^$/); # edgeiron invalid command
++ if (/^---/ || /^$/) { # next section reached
++ $skip = 0;
++ }
++ $skip = 1;
++ }
++ if (/fan controlled temperature:/i ||
++ /fan speed switching temperature thresholds/i) {
++ $skip = 1;
++ }
++ if (/THERMAL PLANE/) {
++ $skip = 1;
++ }
++ if (/(pressure|altitude|temperature):/i) {
++ $skip = 1;
++ }
++ s/(Fan \d+ \S+), speed .*/$1/;
++ if (/speed/i) {
++ $skip = 1;
++ }
++ next if $skip;
++ ProcessHistory("CHASSIS","","","! $_");
++ }
++ ProcessHistory("CHASSIS","","","!\n");
++ return(0);
++# This routine parses "show flash"
++sub ShowFlash {
++ my($INPUT, $OUTPUT) = @_;
++ print STDERR " In ShowFlash: $_" if ($debug);
++ while (<$INPUT>) {
++ tr/\015//d;
++ last if (/^$prompt/);
++ next if (/^\s*$/);
++ return(1) if (/^\s+\^$/); # edgeiron invalid command
++ if (/code flash free space = (\d+)/i) {
++ my($tmp) = $1;
++ if ($tmp >= (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
++ $tmp = int($tmp / (1024 * 1024 * 1024));
++ $_ = "code flash free space = $tmp GB\n";
++ } elsif ($tmp >= (1024 * 1024)) {
++ $tmp = int($tmp / (1024 * 1024));
++ $_ = "code flash free space = $tmp MB\n";
++ } elsif ($tmp >= (1024)) {
++ $tmp = int($tmp / 1024);
++ $_ = "code flash free space = $tmp KB\n";
++ } elsif ($tmp > 0) {
++ $_ = "code flash free space = < 1KB\n";
++ } else {
++ $_ = "code flash free space = 0 bytes\n";
++ }
++ }
Added |
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+--- lib/Makefile.in.orig 2016-09-10 02:21:13.620344188 +0200
++++ lib/Makefile.in 2016-09-10 02:22:01.536342988 +0200
+@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
+ my_pkglib_DATA = rancid.pm acos.pm aeos.pm arbor.pm bigip.pm ciscowlc.pm \
+ dell.pm edgemax.pm edgerouter.pm eos.pm exos.pm foundry.pm \
+ ios.pm iosxr.pm junos.pm mrv.pm nxos.pm panos.pm rbt.pm \
+- wavesvros.pm
++ wavesvros.pm brocadevdx.pm
+ pkglib_in = $(my_pkglib_DATA:%=%.in)
+ RANLIB = :
+@@ -544,6 +544,7 @@
+ panos.pm: panos.pm.in
+ rbt.pm: rbt.pm.in
+ wavesvros.pm: wavesvros.pm.in
++brocadevdx.pm: brocadevdx.pm.in
+ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+ # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
+--- lib/Makefile.am.orig 2016-09-10 02:21:22.860343473 +0200
++++ lib/Makefile.am 2016-09-10 02:22:37.136343266 +0200
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ my_pkglib_DATA = rancid.pm acos.pm aeos.pm arbor.pm bigip.pm ciscowlc.pm \
+ dell.pm edgemax.pm edgerouter.pm eos.pm exos.pm foundry.pm \
+ ios.pm iosxr.pm junos.pm mrv.pm nxos.pm panos.pm rbt.pm \
+- wavesvros.pm
++ wavesvros.pm brocadevdx.pm
+ pkglib_in = $(my_pkglib_DATA:%=%.in)
+@@ -74,3 +74,4 @@
+ panos.pm: panos.pm.in
+ rbt.pm: rbt.pm.in
+ wavesvros.pm: wavesvros.pm.in
++brocadevdx.pm: brocadevdx.pm.in
Changed |
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
brocadevdx;script;rancid -t brocadevdx
-brocadevdx;command;foundry::ShowVersion;show version all-partitions
-brocadevdx;command;foundry::ShowChassis;show chassis
-brocadevdx;command;foundry::WriteTerm;show running-config
+brocadevdx;command;brocadevdx::ShowVersion;show version all-partitions
+brocadevdx;command;brocadevdx::ShowChassis;show chassis
+brocadevdx;command;brocadevdx::ShowConfiguration;show running-config
# DELL Powerconnect switches