@@ -0,0 +1,12240 @@
+ June 25, 2009
+amavisd-new-2.6.4 release notes
+NOTE: When upgrading Perl to version 5.10 or planning to do so, please do
+not forget to add a missing /m flag to regular expressions in your existing
+AV entries (if you haven't already done so with a 2.6.3 upgrade), as
+suggested in an example file amavisd.conf in a package. Perl 5.8 does
+not mind missing /m flags, but with perl 5.10 the results from a virus
+scanner may no longer be properly recognized. See the BUG FIXES section
+in 2.6.3 release notes.
+The output of amavisd-agent and contents of a database snmp.db has changed
+according to the now published MIB. Several new SNMP counters were added, a
+few retired, and some renamed. If you are parsing the output of amavisd-agent
+or accessing snmp.db directly, please review AMAVIS-MIB.txt, and perhaps
+switch to using the new amavisd-snmp-subagent.
+- amavisd failed to start when spam scanning was disabled either
+ by @bypass_spam_checks_maps=(1) or by @spam_scanners=(), giving:
+ Can't locate object method "new" via package "Amavis::SpamControl"
+ As a workaround one could use a @spam_scanners=(undef) to disable spam
+ scanning; reported by Steve;
+- several decoders failed to propagate "Exceeded storage quota" exception,
+ so the protection of AV scanners against mail bombs was ineffective;
+ reported by Jorgen Lundman;
+- milter usage (AM.PDP): verbatim header edits inserted a header body of "1"
+ instead of the correct string, for example: "Authentication-Results: 1";
+- updated AV entry for BitDefender's bdscan to recognize tabs around a colon
+ in its output; contributed by Steve;
+- fix parsing of a combined result from DSPAM (option --classify), as
+ earlier versions of DSPAM did not include a signature with a combined
+ result line; problem reported by Marijan Vidmar;
+- provide a true SNMP agent and a MIB, facilitating monitoring the health
+ of a content filtering system, its performance and mail characteristics;
+- a new AV interface to SMTP-based antivirus scanners;
+- allow customizing SMTP-status response reason text for blocked messages;
+- prevent inserting fake copies of certain important mail header fields
+ without breaking a DKIM signature;
+- newly supplied with the package is a program amavisd-snmp-subagent,
+ acting as a SNMP AgentX, exporting amavisd statistical counters database
+ (snmp.db) as well as a child process status database (nanny.db) to a
+ SNMP daemon supporting the AgentX protocol (RFC 2741), such a NET-SNMP.
+ It is similar to combined existing utility programs amavisd-agent
+ and amavisd-nanny, but instead of writing results as text to stdout,
+ it exports data to a SNMP server running on a host (same or remote),
+ making them available to SNMP clients (such a Cacti or mrtg) for
+ monitoring or alerting purposes.
+ The amavisd program does not have any additional requirements, but
+ to run amavisd-snmp-subagent the following Perl modules are required:
+ NetSNMP::OID, NetSNMP::ASN, NetSNMP::agent, NetSNMP::default_store.
+ All of these come with a Net-SNMP package (previously known as "ucd-snmp"),
+ home at http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/, FreeBSD ports: net-mgmt/net-snmp.
+ Also, a snmpd daemon must be running on a host. It can be a snmpd from
+ a Net-SNMP package or some other SNMP server supporting AgentX protocol.
+ When using snmpd from Net-SNMP, just add the following to its snmpd.conf:
+ master agentx
+ agentXSocket tcp:
+ so that amavisd-snmp-subagent will be allowed to connect to it.
+ The setup was tested with Net-SNMP versions and If you
+ experience wild numbers served in Counter64 variables on a 64-bit platform,
+ the following patch (at the server side) solves the problem:
+ http://www.mail-archive.com/
+ net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg19502.html
+ The patch seems to already be incorporated into version 5.3.3 of Net-SNMP,
+ but not yet in 5.4.2.
+ A MIB module (SNMP Management information base) is provided in a file
+ AMAVIS-MIB.txt. It is not necessary to make it available to a SNMP server,
+ and not even necessary for SNMP clients, but making it available to clients
+ allows them to display data with names of variables, not just their OIDs.
+ A query example with no MIB modules:
+ snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c xxx host.example.com .
+ A query example when a file AMAVIS-MIB.txt is in a subdirectory ./mibs/ :
+ snmpbulkwalk -m+AMAVIS-MIB -M-mibs -OQ -v2c -c xxx host.example.com amavis
+ The amavisd-snmp-subagent can be started at any time, either before or
+ after amavisd, and either before or after snmpd. It can also be restarted
+ at any time. Also, amavisd can be restarted without having to restart
+ amavisd-snmp-subagent, as it will automatically notice a database
+ change and connect to a new database. Similarly, a snmpd daemon can be
+ restarted at any time and amavisd-snmp-subagent will reconnect to it
+ if necessary. A natural starting order is: snmpd first, then amavisd
+ and then amavisd-snmp-subagent.
+ Restarting amavisd will reset its counters. A SNMP client typically
+ interprets a decremented value of a counter variable as a wraparound,
+ which results in a large spike when graphing data. There are two common
+ solutions to the problem: a reasonable upper limit can be provided to
+ a client, so that a spike will be treated as invalid data and ignored,
+ or else a AMAVIS-MIB::sysUpTime variable can be monitored, and if its
+ value is smaller than on a previous reading, this indicates that counters
+ were reset (i.e. amavisd was restarted) and values of counters should not
+ be treated as wrapped on maxint. Consult your SNMP client documentation.
+ The amavisd-snmp-subagent should have access to databases snmp,db and
+ nanny.db in a $db_home directory (environment variable AMAVISD_DB_HOME,
+ defaults to /var/amavis/db) and have rights to connect to a snmpd daemon.
+ It is safe to run it as root, although perhaps not necessary.
+ For testing purposes start amavisd-snmp-subagent from a command line
+ using a command line option -f to let it stay in foreground, and
+ optionally increase debug level, e.g:
+ amavisd-snmp-subagent -f -d 5
+ If everything goes well, start it without -f and let it daemonize.
+ Supplying a filename with an option -P tells a daemonized agent to write
+ its PID to that file, and remove the file on shutdown (on receiving a
+ signal TERM or INT):
+ amavisd-snmp-subagent -P /var/run/amavisd-snmp-subagent.pid
+ Some suggested sets of OIDs making up interesting diagrams
+ (e.g. for displaying by Cacti):
+ counters:
+ * inMsgsStatusRelayed, inMsgsStatusDiscarded,
+ inMsgsStatusNoBounce, inMsgsStatusBounced, inMsgsStatusRejected
+ * inMsgs, inMsgsOriginating
+ * inMsgsSize, inMsgsSizeOriginating
+ * inMsgsSize, outMsgsSizeSubmitQuar, outMsgsSizeRelay
+ * inMsgs, outMsgsRelay, outMsgsSubmitQuar,
+ outMsgsSubmitDsn, outMsgsSubmitNotif
+ * contentCleanMsgs, contentCleanMsgsOriginating
+ * inMsgs, contentSpamMsgs, contentBannedMsgs, contentVirusMsgs
+ * contentSpamMsgsOriginating, contentBannedMsgsOriginating,
+ contentVirusMsgsOriginating
+ * timeElapsedTotal, timeElapsedDecoding,
+ timeElapsedVirusCheck, timeElapsedSpamCheck
+ * procGone
+ gauges:
+ * procBusy, procAll
+ * procBusy, procBusyTransfer, procBusyDecode, procBusyVirus, procBusySpam
+ * procBusy0, procBusy1s, procBusy2s, procBusy4s, procBusy8s
+ * procBusy15s, procBusy30s, procBusy1m, procBusy2m, procBusy4m
+ * mtaQueueEntriesIncoming, mtaQueueEntriesActive, mtaQueueEntriesDeferred
+ Note that even frequent or extensive SNMP queries do not burden amavisd
+ processes. The amavisd-snmp-subagent process keeps a cache of current
+ variable values. It queries one or the other berkeley database as needed,
+ i.e. when cached data is stale and there was an actual SNMP query for a
+ variable in one or the other database. When a berkeley database needs to be
+ accessed, all its data is fetched in one quick sweep by using a database
+ cursor with a read lock, so that data is consistent. No more than one
+ database sweep in 4 seconds is performed, and less often when queries are
+ less frequent and preferably batched in groups. If some time has passed
+ since the last SNMP query (more than 4 seconds currently), resulting values
+ are always fresh as collected from a database at the time of a SNMP query.
+ There is one additional experimental feature - experimental in a sense
+ that it may change or be dropped in future versions. If running Postfix
+ on the same host as amavisd-snmp-subagent, a count of files (mail messages)
+ in each of the Postfix queue directories is provided as Gauge32 variables
+ in the MIB under ., i.e. under amavisMta subtree.
+ The following SNMP variables are available: mtaQueueEntriesMaildrop,
+ mtaQueueEntriesIncoming, mtaQueueEntriesActive, mtaQueueEntriesDeferred.
+ Although semantically outside the scope of amavisd, it provides a quick
+ insight into health of a MTA, and indirectly into health of amavisd.
+ Data is made available only if a command 'postconf -h queue_directory' is
+ successful at amavisd-snmp-subagent startup time and provides a sensible
+ result. Like with the other two real databases, MTA directories are only
+ scanned if and when actually queried by a SNMP client (again, subject to
+ caching). As a safety measure for times when MTA queue grows huge, there
+ is a time limit for scanning each directory subtree (currently 5 seconds,
+ which is about how much a typical SNMP client is willing to wait for a
+ response). Also, a long scan time automatically increases cache validity
+ time (time-to-live) of that measurement.
+- a new experimental interface to SMTP-based antivirus scanners is provided;
+ an @av_scanners entry may look like the following: