@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# spec file for package bacula (Version 5.2.12)
+# Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
+# norootforbuild
+%define pkgversion 5.2.12
+Name: bacula
+%define _fwdefdir /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services
+BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libacl-devel mysql-devel openssl-devel readline-devel xorg-x11-devel bc procps iputils postgresql-devel
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+BuildRequires: tcpd-devel postgresql-libs termcap
+%if 0%{?rhel_version} || 0%{?centos_version} || 0%{?fedora_version}
+BuildRequires: tcp_wrappers libtermcap-devel
+%if 0%{?fedora_version} >= 7 || 0%{?rhel_version} >= 600 || 0%{?sl_version} >= 600 || 0%{?centos_version} >= 6
+BuildRequires: tcp_wrappers-devel
+%define _libver 5_2_12
+%define _sover 5.2.12
+License: GPL v2 or later
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+AutoReqProv: on
+Version: 5.2.12
+Release: 1
+Summary: Bacula--The Network Backup Solution: Client Part
+Url: http://www.bacula.org
+Source0: %{name}-%{pkgversion}.tar.bz2
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+Source10: bacula-dir.init
+Source11: bacula-fd.init
+Source12: bacula-sd.init
+%if 0%{?rhel_version} || 0%{?centos_version} || 0%{?fedora_version}
+Source10: bacula-dir.init.rh
+Source11: bacula-fd.init.rh
+Source12: bacula-sd.init.rh
+Source20: bacula-dir.fw
+Source21: bacula-fd.fw
+Source22: bacula-sd.fw
+Source50: bacula-rpmlintrc
+Patch1: %{name}-2.4.4-python.diff
+Patch3: bacula-compress-man.patch
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
+Bacula comes by night and sucks the vital essence from your computers.
+Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
+administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer
+data across a network of computers of different kinds. In technical
+terms, it is a network client/server-based backup program. Bacula is
+relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced
+storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost
+or damaged files.
+%package server
+License: GPL v2 or later
+Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution - server part
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+Requires: bacula = %{version}
+AutoReqProv: off
+%description server
+Bacula - It comes by night and sucks the vital essence from your
+computers. Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the
+system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
+computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. In
+technical terms, it is a network client/server based backup program.
+Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
+advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
+recover lost or damaged files. This package contains Bacula server
+%package server-mysql
+License: GPL v2 or later
+Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution - server part - mysql
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+Requires: bacula-server = %{version}
+Conflicts: bacula-server-postgresql
+AutoReqProv: on
+%description server-mysql
+Binaries of bacula services linked against mysql.
+%package server-postgresql
+License: GPL v2 or later
+Summary: Bacula - The Network Backup Solution - server part - postgresql
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+Requires: bacula-server = %{version}
+Conflicts: bacula-server-mysql
+AutoReqProv: on
+%description server-postgresql
+Binaries of bacula services linked against postgresql.
+%package devel
+Summary: Bacula devel files
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+Requires: libbac-%{_libver} = %{version}
+Requires: libbaccfg-%{_libver} = %{version}
+Requires: libbacfind-%{_libver} = %{version}
+Requires: libbacpy-%{_libver} = %{version}
+Requires: libbacsql-%{_libver} = %{version}
+Requires: ncurses-devel
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+Requires: tcpd-devel
+Requires: postgresql-devel
+Requires: glibc-devel
+%description devel
+%package -n libbaccats-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula catalog library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbaccats-%{_libver}
+%package -n libbac-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbac-%{_libver}
+%package -n libbaccfg-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula config library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbaccfg-%{_libver}
+%package -n libbacfind-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula find library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbacfind-%{_libver}
+%package -n libbacpy-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula python library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbacpy-%{_libver}
+%package -n libbacsql-%{_libver}
+Summary: Bacula sql library
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n libbacsql-%{_libver}
+%package -n nagios-plugins-bacula
+Summary: Bacula nagios plugins
+Group: Productivity/Archiving/Backup
+%description -n nagios-plugins-bacula
+Nagios/Icinga plugins to check bacula.
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{pkgversion}
+touch platforms/suse/bacula.spec.in
+Build() {
+CFLAGS="-fno-strict-aliasing $RPM_OPT_FLAGS $(ncurses5-config --cflags)" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/%{_lib}/mysql $(ncurses5-config --libs)" ./configure \
+ --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+ --libexecdir=%{_libdir} \
+ --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \
+ --bindir=%{_bindir} \