@@ -1,1885 +0,0 @@
-# For the curious:
-# 0.9.5a soversion = 0
-# 0.9.6 soversion = 1
-# 0.9.6a soversion = 2
-# 0.9.6c soversion = 3
-# 0.9.7a soversion = 4
-# 0.9.7ef soversion = 5
-# 0.9.8ab soversion = 6
-# 0.9.8g soversion = 7
-# 0.9.8jk + EAP-FAST soversion = 8
-# 1.0.0 soversion = 10
-%define soversion 10
-%define _prefix /usr/local
-# Number of threads to spawn when testing some threading fixes.
-%define thread_test_threads %{?threads:%{threads}}%{!?threads:1}
-# Arches on which we need to prevent arch conflicts on opensslconf.h, must
-# also be handled in opensslconf-new.h.
-%define multilib_arches %{ix86} ia64 %{mips} ppc %{power64} s390 s390x sparcv9 sparc64 x86_64
-%global _performance_build 1
-Summary: Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
-Name: openssl102
-Version: 1.0.2f
-Release: 1
-Epoch: 1
-# We have to remove certain patented algorithms from the openssl source
-# tarball with the hobble-openssl script which is included below.
-# The original openssl upstream tarball cannot be shipped in the .src.rpm.
-Source: openssl-%{version}-hobbled.tar.xz
-Source1: hobble-openssl
-Source2: Makefile.certificate
-Source6: make-dummy-cert
-Source7: renew-dummy-cert
-Source8: openssl-thread-test.c
-Source9: opensslconf-new.h
-Source10: opensslconf-new-warning.h
-Source11: README.FIPS
-Source12: ec_curve.c
-Source13: ectest.c
-# Build changes
-Patch1: openssl-1.0.2e-rpmbuild.patch
-Patch2: openssl-1.0.2a-defaults.patch
-Patch4: openssl-1.0.2a-enginesdir.patch
-Patch5: openssl-1.0.2a-no-rpath.patch
-Patch6: openssl-1.0.2a-test-use-localhost.patch
-Patch7: openssl-1.0.0-timezone.patch
-Patch8: openssl-1.0.1c-perlfind.patch
-Patch9: openssl-1.0.1c-aliasing.patch
-# Bug fixes
-Patch23: openssl-1.0.2c-default-paths.patch
-Patch24: openssl-1.0.2a-issuer-hash.patch
-# Functionality changes
-Patch33: openssl-1.0.0-beta4-ca-dir.patch
-Patch34: openssl-1.0.2a-x509.patch
-Patch35: openssl-1.0.2a-version-add-engines.patch
-Patch39: openssl-1.0.2a-ipv6-apps.patch
-Patch40: openssl-1.0.2e-fips.patch
-Patch45: openssl-1.0.2a-env-zlib.patch
-Patch47: openssl-1.0.2a-readme-warning.patch
-Patch49: openssl-1.0.1i-algo-doc.patch
-Patch50: openssl-1.0.2a-dtls1-abi.patch
-Patch51: openssl-1.0.2a-version.patch
-Patch56: openssl-1.0.2a-rsa-x931.patch
-Patch58: openssl-1.0.2a-fips-md5-allow.patch
-Patch60: openssl-1.0.2a-apps-dgst.patch
-Patch63: openssl-1.0.2a-xmpp-starttls.patch
-Patch65: openssl-1.0.2a-chil-fixes.patch
-Patch66: openssl-1.0.2a-pkgconfig-krb5.patch
-Patch68: openssl-1.0.2a-secure-getenv.patch
-Patch70: openssl-1.0.2a-fips-ec.patch
-Patch71: openssl-1.0.2d-manfix.patch
-Patch72: openssl-1.0.2a-fips-ctor.patch
-Patch73: openssl-1.0.2c-ecc-suiteb.patch
-Patch74: openssl-1.0.2a-no-md5-verify.patch
-Patch75: openssl-1.0.2a-compat-symbols.patch
-Patch76: openssl-1.0.2f-new-fips-reqs.patch
-Patch77: openssl-1.0.2a-weak-ciphers.patch
-Patch78: openssl-1.0.2a-cc-reqs.patch
-Patch90: openssl-1.0.2a-enc-fail.patch
-Patch92: openssl-1.0.2a-system-cipherlist.patch
-Patch93: openssl-1.0.2a-disable-sslv2v3.patch
-Patch94: openssl-1.0.2d-secp256k1.patch
-Patch95: openssl-1.0.2e-remove-nistp224.patch
-Patch96: openssl-1.0.2e-speed-doc.patch
-# Backported fixes including security fixes
-Patch80: openssl-1.0.2e-wrap-pad.patch
-Patch81: openssl-1.0.2a-padlock64.patch
-Patch82: openssl-1.0.2c-trusted-first-doc.patch
-License: OpenSSL
-Group: System Environment/Libraries
-URL: http://www.openssl.org/
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-BuildRequires: coreutils, krb5-devel, perl, sed, zlib-devel
-BuildRequires: lksctp-tools-devel
-Requires: coreutils, make
-Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-The OpenSSL toolkit provides support for secure communications between
-machines. OpenSSL includes a certificate management tool and shared
-libraries which provide various cryptographic algorithms and
-%package libs
-Summary: A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
-Group: System Environment/Libraries
-Requires: ca-certificates >= 2008-5
-Requires: crypto-policies
-# Needed obsoletes due to the base/lib subpackage split
-Obsoletes: openssl < 1:1.0.1-0.3.beta3
-Obsoletes: openssl-fips < 1:1.0.1e-28
-Provides: openssl-fips = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-%description libs
-OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-libs
-package contains the libraries that are used by various applications which
-support cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
-%package devel
-Summary: Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
-Group: Development/Libraries
-Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-Requires: krb5-devel%{?_isa}, zlib-devel%{?_isa}
-Requires: pkgconfig
-%description devel
-OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-devel
-package contains include files needed to develop applications which
-support various cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
-%package static
-Summary: Libraries for static linking of applications which will use OpenSSL
-Group: Development/Libraries
-Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-%description static
-OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-static
-package contains static libraries needed for static linking of
-applications which support various cryptographic algorithms and
-%package perl
-Summary: Perl scripts provided with OpenSSL
-Group: Applications/Internet
-Requires: perl
-Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-%description perl
-OpenSSL is a toolkit for supporting cryptography. The openssl-perl
-package provides Perl scripts for converting certificates and keys
-from other formats to the formats used by the OpenSSL toolkit.
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
-# The hobble_openssl is called here redundantly, just to be sure.
-# The tarball has already the sources removed.
-%{SOURCE1} > /dev/null
-cp %{SOURCE12} %{SOURCE13} crypto/ec/
-%patch1 -p1 -b .rpmbuild
-%patch2 -p1 -b .defaults
-%patch4 -p1 -b .enginesdir %{?_rawbuild}
-%patch5 -p1 -b .no-rpath
-%patch6 -p1 -b .use-localhost
-%patch7 -p1 -b .timezone
-%patch8 -p1 -b .perlfind %{?_rawbuild}
-%patch9 -p1 -b .aliasing
-%patch23 -p1 -b .default-paths
-%patch24 -p1 -b .issuer-hash
-%patch33 -p1 -b .ca-dir
-%patch34 -p1 -b .x509
-%patch35 -p1 -b .version-add-engines
-%patch39 -p1 -b .ipv6-apps
-%patch40 -p1 -b .fips
-%patch45 -p1 -b .env-zlib
-%patch47 -p1 -b .warning
-%patch49 -p1 -b .algo-doc
-%patch50 -p1 -b .dtls1-abi
-%patch51 -p1 -b .version
-%patch56 -p1 -b .x931
-%patch58 -p1 -b .md5-allow
-%patch60 -p1 -b .dgst
-%patch63 -p1 -b .starttls
-%patch65 -p1 -b .chil
-%patch66 -p1 -b .krb5
-%patch68 -p1 -b .secure-getenv
-%patch70 -p1 -b .fips-ec
-%patch71 -p1 -b .manfix
-%patch72 -p1 -b .fips-ctor
-%patch73 -p1 -b .suiteb
-%patch74 -p1 -b .no-md5-verify