@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Index: yum/misc.py
+--- yum/misc.py.orig
++++ yum/misc.py
+@@ -134,11 +134,20 @@ def checksum(sumtype, file, CHUNK=2**16)
+ fo = open(file, 'r', CHUNK)
+ if sumtype == 'md5':
+- import md5
+- sumalgo = md5.new()
++ try:
++ import hashlib
++ sumalgo = hashlib.md5()
++ except ImportError:
++ # for Python < 2.6
++ import md5
++ sumalgo = md5.new()
+ elif sumtype == 'sha':
+- import sha
+- sumalgo = sha.new()
++ try:
++ import hashlib
++ sumalgo = hashlib.sha1()
++ except ImportError:
++ import sha
++ sumalgo = sha.new()
+ else:
+ raise MiscError, 'Error Checksumming file, bad checksum type %s' % sumtype
+ chunk = fo.read
+Index: yum/pgpmsg.py
+--- yum/pgpmsg.py.orig
++++ yum/pgpmsg.py
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ ##You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ##along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ ##Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-import struct, time, cStringIO, base64, types, md5, sha
++import struct, time, cStringIO, base64, types
+ debug = None
+@@ -378,14 +378,26 @@ class public_key(pgp_packet) :
+ # otherwise calculate it now and cache it
+ # v3 and v4 are calculated differently
+ if self.version == 3 :
+- h = md5.new()
++ try:
++ import hashlib
++ h = sum = hashlib.md5()
++ except ImportError:
++ # for Python < 2.6
++ import md5
++ h = md5.new()
+ h.update(pack_long(self.pk_rsa_mod))
+ h.update(pack_long(self.pk_rsa_exp))
+ self.fingerprint_ = h.digest()
+ elif self.version == 4 :
+ # we hash what would be the whole PGP message containing
+ # the pgp certificate
+- h = sha.new()
++ try:
++ import hashlib
++ sum = hashlib.sha1()
++ except ImportError:
++ # for Python < 2.6
++ import sha
++ h = sha.new()
+ h.update('\x99')
+ # we need to has the length of the packet as well
+ buf = self.serialize()