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Dependency of ::import::i586::libboost_date_time1_46_1-32bit-1.46.1-5.15.x86_64.rpm

Name: gmp-devel-32bit

Project: SLE_11_SP1

Repository: oss

Title: Include Files and Libraries for Development with the GNU MP Library

These libraries are needed to develop programs which calculate with
huge numbers (integer and floating point).

Torbjorn Granlund <tege@zevs.sics.se>

Version: 4.2.3

Release: 10.99

Architecture: x86_64

Size: 402 KB

Build Time: 2009-02-21 04:16:42 +0100 (over 15 years ago)


Symbol Required by
gmp-devel-32bit = 4.2.3-10.99


Symbol Provided by
gmp-devel = 4.2.3 gmp-devel
gmp-32bit = 4.2.3 gmp-32bit