Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > server:monitoring > nagios-plugins-nwc-health > Binaries > nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8... > Dependencies
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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: texlive-kantlipsum

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: Generate sentences in Kant's style

The package spits out sentences in Kantian style; the text is
provided by the Kant generator for Python by Mark Pilgrim,
described in the book "Dive into Python". The package is
modelled on lipsum, and may be used for similar purposes.

date: 2012-03-12 19:30:51 +0000

Version: 2013.

Release: 18.1.7

Architecture: noarch

Size: 34.3 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-08 19:21:23 +0200 (over 9 years ago)


Symbol Required by
tex(kantlipsum.sty) texlive-mdframed
texlive-kantlipsum = 2013.8... texlive-collection-latexextra


Symbol Provided by
coreutils coreutils
coreutils coreutils
tex(expl3.sty) texlive-l3kernel
tex(xparse.sty) texlive-l3packages
texlive >= 2013 texlive
texlive >= 2013 texlive
texlive >= 2013 texlive