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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: texlive-bgteubner

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag"

The bgteubner document class has been programmed by order of
the Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, to ensure that books of
this publisher have a unique layout. Unfortunately, most of the
documentation is only available in German. Since the document
class is intended to generate a unique layout, many things
(layout etc.) are fixed and cannot be altered by the user. If
you want to use the document class for another purpose than
publishing with the Teubner Verlag, this may arrise unwanted
restrictions (For instance, the document class provides only
two paper sizes: DIN A-5 and 17cm x 24cm; only two font
families are supported: Times and European Computer Modern).

date: 2012-04-08 12:50:51 +0000

Version: 2013.84.2.02svn25892

Release: 17.1.7

Architecture: noarch

Size: 40.6 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-08 19:24:02 +0200 (over 9 years ago)


Symbol Required by
texlive-bgteubner = 2013.84... texlive-collection-publishers


Symbol Provided by
coreutils coreutils
coreutils coreutils
tex(amsfonts.sty) texlive-amsfonts
tex(amsmath.sty) texlive-amsmath
tex(amssymb.sty) texlive-amsfonts
tex(array.sty) texlive-tools
tex(babel.sty) texlive-babel
tex(babelbib.sty) texlive-babelbib
tex(booktabs.sty) texlive-booktabs
tex(color.sty) texlive-graphics
tex(courier.sty) texlive-psnfss
tex(exscale.sty) texlive-latex
tex(fixltx2e.sty) texlive-latex
tex(fixmath.sty) texlive-was
tex(fnbreak.sty) texlive-fnbreak
tex(fontenc.sty) texlive-latex
tex(framed.sty) texlive-framed
tex(ginpenc.sty) texlive-ginpenc
tex(graphicx.sty) texlive-graphics
tex(helvet.sty) texlive-psnfss
tex(hfoldsty.sty) texlive-hfoldsty
tex(hhtensor.sty) texlive-hhtensor
tex(ifpdf.sty) texlive-oberdiek
tex(ifthen.sty) texlive-latex
tex(longtable.sty) texlive-tools
tex(makeidx.sty) texlive-latex
tex(mathcomp.sty) texlive-mathcomp
tex(mathptmx.sty) texlive-psnfss
tex(mdwlist.sty) texlive-mdwtools
tex(multicol.sty) texlive-tools
tex(numprint.sty) texlive-numprint
tex(onlyamsmath.sty) texlive-onlyamsmath
tex(paralist.sty) texlive-paralist
tex(pdfcprot.sty) texlive-pdfcprot
tex(ragged2e.sty) texlive-ms
tex(relsize.sty) texlive-relsize
tex(scrbook.cls) texlive-koma-script
tex(scrpage2.sty) texlive-koma-script
tex(setspace.sty) texlive-setspace
tex(slantsc.sty) texlive-slantsc
tex(subfloat.sty) texlive-subfloat
tex(textcomp.sty) texlive-latex
tex(verbatim.sty) texlive-tools
tex(warning.sty) texlive-warning
tex(wasysym.sty) texlive-wasysym
texlive >= 2013 texlive
texlive >= 2013 texlive
texlive >= 2013 texlive