Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > server:monitoring > nagios-plugins-nwc-health > Binaries > nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8... > Dependencies
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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: libguile-srfi-srfi-60-v-2-2

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension

This is Guile, a portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in
C. Guile provides a machine independent execution platform that can be
linked in as a library when building extensible programs. This package
contains the shared libraries.

Version: 1.8.8

Release: 16.1.5

Architecture: x86_64

Size: 10.2 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-06 17:24:56 +0200 (almost 10 years ago)


Symbol Required by
libguile-srfi-srfi-60-v-2-2... libguile1-devel guile1
libguile-srfi-srfi-60-v-2-2... libguile1-devel guile1


Symbol Provided by
libc.so.6()(64bit) glibc
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) glibc
libgmp.so.10()(64bit) libgmp10
libguile.so.17()(64bit) libguile17
libpthread.so.0()(64bit) glibc