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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: ghc-parsec-devel

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: Haskell parsec library development files

Parsec is designed from scratch as an industrial-strength parser library. It is simple, safe, well documented (on the package homepage), has extensive libraries and good error messages, and is also fast. It is defined as a monad transformer that can be stacked on arbitrary monads, and it is also parametric in the input stream type.
This package contains the development files.

Version: 3.1.3

Release: 8.1.5

Architecture: x86_64

Size: 525 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-07 06:05:16 +0200 (almost 10 years ago)


Symbol Required by
ghc-parsec-devel = 3.1.3-8.1.5 ghc-haskell-platform-devel
ghc-parsec-devel(x86-64) = ...
ghc-devel(parsec-3.1.3-441f... ghc-HTTP-devel ghc-cgi-devel ghc-highlighting-kate-devel ghc-texmath-devel ghc-pandoc-devel ghc-network-devel
ghc-parsec-devel = 3.1.3-8.1.5 ghc-haskell-platform-devel


Symbol Provided by
ghc-compiler ghc-compiler ghc-bootstrap
ghc-compiler ghc-compiler ghc-bootstrap
ghc-compiler ghc-compiler ghc-bootstrap
ghc-parsec = 3.1.3-8.1.5 ghc-parsec
ghc-devel(base- ghc-base-devel
ghc-devel(bytestring-0.10.0... ghc-bytestring-devel
ghc-devel(mtl-2.1.2-82086ca... ghc-mtl-devel
ghc-devel(text- ghc-text-devel
ghc(parsec-3.1.3-441f1388bc... ghc-parsec