Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > server:monitoring > nagios-plugins-nwc-health > Binaries > nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8... > Dependencies
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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: desktop-data-openSUSE

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: Shared Desktop Files for openSUSE

This package contains shared desktop files, like the default
applications menu structure and the default wallpaper.

Version: 13.2

Release: 3.1.4

Architecture: noarch

Size: 477 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-06 21:59:33 +0200 (over 9 years ago)


Symbol Required by
CheckHardware = 0.1
config(desktop-data-openSUS... desktop-data-openSUSE
desktop-branding = 13.2 kdebase3-SuSE
desktop-data xscreensaver fvwm2 xdg-menu icewm
desktop-data-SuSE = 11.0
desktop-data-openSUSE = 13.... xfdesktop-branding-openSUSE libgarcon-branding-openSUSE lxde-common-branding-openSUSE desktop-data-openSUSE-extra xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE package-lists-openSUSE-X11-cd lxdm kdebase4-workspace package-lists-openSUSE-KDE-cd package-lists-openSUSE-GNOME-cd package-lists-openSUSE-images


Symbol Provided by
config(desktop-data-openSUS... desktop-data-openSUSE
coreutils coreutils
diffutils diffutils
dmz-icon-theme-cursors dmz-icon-theme-cursors
fillup fillup
grep grep
hicolor-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme
wallpaper-branding = 13.2 wallpaper-branding-openSUSE
xdg-utils xdg-utils