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Dependency of nagios-plugins-nwc-health-8.0-1.1.noarch.rpm

Name: args4j

Project: openSUSE_13.2

Repository: oss

Title: Java commandline parser

args4j is a small Java class library that makes it easy
to parse command line options/arguments in your CUI application.
- It makes the command line parsing very easy by using annotations
- You can generate the usage screen very easily
- You can generate HTML/XML that lists all options for your documentation
- Fully supports localization
- It is designed to parse javac like options (as opposed to GNU-style
where ls -lR is considered to have two options l and R)

Version: 2.0.9

Release: 2.1.8

Architecture: noarch

Size: 21.5 KB

Build Time: 2014-10-10 20:46:26 +0200 (almost 10 years ago)


Symbol Required by
args4j = 2.0.9-2.1.8


Symbol Provided by
java >= 1.5 java-1_7_0-openjdk java-1_5_0-gcj-compat java-1_8_0-openjdk