Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > devel > binutils > Binaries > binutils-debuginfo-2.17.50.... > Dependencies
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Dependency of binutils-debuginfo-

Name: docbook_4

Project: SUSE_Linux_10.1

Repository: oss

Title: DocBook DTD Version 4.x

Docbook is used to produce technical documentation. This package has
SGML and XML versions included.

Eve L. Maler <elm@arbortext.com>
Terry Allen <tallen@sonic.net>
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>

Version: 4.4

Release: 19

Architecture: noarch

Size: 325 KB

Build Time: 2006-04-23 02:59:00 +0200 (over 18 years ago)


Symbol Provided by
iso_ent iso_ent
xmlcharent xmlcharent
sgml-skel sgml-skel
libxml2 libxml2
sed sed
grep grep
awk gawk