Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > server:monitoring > rancid-stable > Binaries > rancid-3.2-11.1.src.rpm
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Detailed Information About rancid-3.2-11.1.src.rpm

Title: Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ

This is a popular ISP toolkit, based on expect and shell scripts,
for managing router configurations.
Rancid monitors a router's (or device's) configuration, including
software and hardware (cards, serial numbers, etc), using CVS.
Rancid currently supports Cisco routers, Juniper routers, Catalyst
switches, Foundry switches, Redback NASs, and ADC EZT3 muxes.

Version: 3.2

Release: 11.1

Architecture: src

Size: 322 KB

Build Time: 2015-04-09 22:31:35 +0200 (over 9 years ago)


Symbol Required by
No provides


Symbol Provided by
glibc-devel glibc-devel
libgcc libgcc43
gcc gcc
gcc-c++ gcc-c++
expect >= 5.40 expect
mailx mailx
iputils iputils
autoconf autoconf
automake automake
openssh openssh
telnet telnet
rsh rsh
fdupes fdupes